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Everything posted by wildboi83

  1. The personal Injury part is going to have to wait, my friend doesnt have the ability to tae this further until his finances inprove. What I would like to do is help him in highlighting this issue and mounting some sort of consumer campaign against the pier? They Keep rejecting all my correspondence to their business direct, so I wanted to reach out to their 4.4million visitors. I do want yo organize a protest also. Thanks, Daniel
  2. A friend of mine last year had an accident on a well known pier, through no fault of his own he slipped on a puddle on the floor and severly injured himself, anyway cutting a long story short, he was off work for 4 months and during a meeting set up by this pier he was assulted by a security officer. They then proceeded to fabricate a lie that he was rasist toward the security officer who assulted him, all whilst he was still in recovery for the accident. He was taken to court and won with all 12 Jury delivering a not guilty verdict in just 15 minutes. He has now been advised to proceed with the original accident claim, which they have rejected with no investigation and compensation for the assult and Racism case, including costs and loss of income during the period. Now this pier is owned by a well known entertainment and gambling company renownd for not playing by the rules. My friend now plans to create a campaign against this pier and their parent company, he intends on making their 4.4 million visitors aware of what may happen if they had an accident, he intends to set up a website posting factual information and inviting others to add their own stories, as hes sure hes not the only one to be assulted over the years. He intends to make compaints to Trading standards, Enviornmental health, Gambling Regulator etc... He also intends to demonstraite on public land next to the pier from the start of their busy summer period. Firstly can he do this? - hes had a stong letter from the parent companies solicitor stating that: "You must appreciate that we will not tolerate defamatory publications or attempts to unlawfully interfere with our business. We will actively monitor the internet, press and other forums and if any defamatory comments are made, we will tae steps to protect the company, to include court proceedings seeking damages, injenctive relief and costs. Please note that all rights remain reserved." Basically I want to help him with the campaign as I have a sneeky feeling this company have many skeletons in their closet that they dont want to come out, what advise can you give me for setting up this campiagn? Are their any good sites to help with this sort of thing? Any comments and replies and warmly welcomed. Thanks for reading!
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