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Everything posted by Buzzit

  1. Just a quick note to say that when my last wages payment went into the bank, the PDL I had with Swift Sterling had already left the account... I thought all PDLs took collections after 5am but I guess I was wrong. Please let that be a warning to anyone who does not move bank accounts and / or cancel CPAs that you do run the risk of getting cleaned out even if you plan to stay up and intercept your wages
  2. Hello All I have £4500 in PDL debt with many different companies and it is completely my own fault (it is much more than my monthly salary). I have been reading these threads for the past couple of weeks and it has provided me with piece of mind and conviction to stop this cycle of craziness. I have not yet defaulted or missed a payment on any of the PDLs or any other debt I have. The PDL debt is with companies that I have two years of history and successful repayment with, it has not always been revolving credit. When I look at my budget I have £500 spare per month after paying personal loans, rent, CC etc, so equates to 9 months to payback the existing PDL loans. I know I have no access to any other credit facility or extension of credit as all of those options are previously exhausted. Due to the share scale of my issue, should I try to deal with this myself or am I better off going through a free debt management service ? I do not want to touch or cause any issues with my prime debt so I do not want that considered. Thanks for your considered replies.
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