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John Bonham

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Everything posted by John Bonham

  1. Good outcome. So pleased to hear it. well done you.
  2. I would suggest that the previous owner wanted a stud dog to farm puppies. Returned to you covered on fleas and tics. There is no excuse for that. I have a rescue dog reposessed by his caring breeder and apparently the RSPCA was involved. It has taken us nearly 3 ryears to remove his phobias which came about by physical beatings he had but now he is a fine animal. # I am sorry but if I had your pup it would have been in the household as a pet and well looked after and the only way you would get it back is like, the famous Charlon Hestpn National Rifle Association comment "from my cold dead hand". My 3 dogs are part of our family and they are gathered round as I type this.
  3. It was a hydrotherapy claim and they said that the fact that the dog was going because he was overweight (he is a rescue) was not a medical issue. I supplied them with the General medical council definition of morbid obesity as a clinical medical condition and asked them if they disagreed with the GMC. That is the response I am waiting for. The Initial policy was written to include £750 for hydrotherapy PP have now reduced this amount to £200 by chainging their terms and conditions. I have spent over £100o with the hydrotherapy sessions and with excercise and a carefully planned diet, not the royal canin stuff the vet tried to push, weight has changed and fat has become muscle. He has not lost much weif=ght but the body dhape and stamina have altered considerably. Incidentally the referral to the hydrotherapist was from the vet as part of the treatment we were undergoing. Petplan refused to pay in spite of a letter in support from the vet and the invoices for over £1200. Their loss in a way because of they had paid out the miserable £200 that they would under their revised T and Cs they wou;ld have had a premium income this year of around £1000. What really gets my goat is that different people in the company told us different things and they simpky dont answer emails. A complete shower. In cidentally the emails are all routed to the head office in Germany as my machine grabs receipts for mail and track them.
  4. Strangely enough Petplan with whom I insured my 3 dogs at £80 a month weaseled out of a claim by saying the paractitioner was not qualified, He was , then found another spurious reason not to pay out. I changed to a cheaper insurance comapny working on the logic that if it is a big amount there should be cover and if not I have wasted less money. If I had banked the premiums there would be an illness fund of nearly £5,000 with accumulated interest should I ever need to pay anything. I am of the opinion that all insurance is now run by money grabbing induividuals who will avouid any payout if they can. It didnt use to be like that. I know because I worked in the industry. Long gone are the days of "my word is my bond" I am afraid. Now its just ill informed and ill educated telephonists who cannot be bothered to take calls or respond to emails but will get hold of your money of they can. Petplan still after nearly 4 months have not responded to a series of emails asking them to provide details of why they rejected the claim. What waste of money that was.
  5. Ear treatment easotic online from Vivovet £11.94 vat included. Today paid over £18 at the vets for the same stuff as a repeat prescription. I rather fancy that £6 on top of retail cost is a little excessive but hey ho theres nothing we can do because it is a POM V. I wish I could make that sort of mark up on stuff I sell. Sililar to the Doctor charging £45 to countersign a passport application. If you have the capability you can charge what you like. I used to do loads of them when I was in work and charged £5 which went to a charity supporting children in Africa.
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