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  1. Just for all that are reading this thread, Vodafone have says its now at a deadlock so its going to the onbudsman service, Not really sure what all this means but i doubt I will be getting the default removed.... Vodafone are a terrible company, I called them last week and 2 people hung up on me then when I tried the quality insurance team who i spoke to no problem a week earlier were telling then telling me I could not speak to that department and didnt know how I spoke to them a week earlier basicully calling me a liar....As far as I'm concerned they all need some sort of training.....They are disgraceful, i will neve be going with Vodafone ever again and will let everyone I come across know what they are like too, My mother is cancelling her contract at the end of october because of this..... Vodafone=rubbish...T-mobile=Great
  2. Its just anoying as I never recieved a default notice and I did tell them I was unable to pay.....I would have never let it get this far, also if I knew I was getting a default I shouldnt have even bothered paying makes no difference.
  3. I started paying the amount off a few months after contract was cancelled, I did tell Vodafone I was having money problems, So they setlled the bill and I agreed to pay off a set amount each month...
  4. OK Thanks Lee but I'm sure you have done everything you can and Vodafone are just being stuburn, Thank you for all your time though.
  5. I have settled the bill around a year ago and the debt is all paid off....All they said about the Vodafone customer service agent that told me 100% default would be removed is that basicully they will work on there customer service levels and he has no autority to remove the default. I have rang a small claims court and they says they can't help me as it never actually went to court!!! I am now going to involve a solicitor and at least get some of the money they took from me when they settled the bill at a higher tariff they could have least lowered the tariff as no calls or texts could have been made and they were also aware that I was having money problems, I am also wanting the money I placed on reserving a house as I trusted what the agent told me. I never recieved any default notice as I had moved and I did make vodafone aware of this and I also told the tenant in after me to forward any mail but she throw alot of mail away ( but thats a different story alltogether). Have I a right to claim that money back, Vodafone have terrible customer services and I will warn anyone who is thinking of switching over to vodafone not to, T-mobile are by far the best phone company and will be telling everyone I know to goto them. I am just appauled at this full thing.
  6. OK so have had the letter of the quality insurance team at vodafone saying they won't remove the default....Is there anything else I can do!!! I am my witts end here, and highly stressed, They have literally ruined my life I do not want to go down the root of renting a flat for me and my family. Is it worth getting a solicitor involved? Any suggestions please.
  7. Hi Lee Sorry for pestering you but have you got any information, I just need to get this thing pushed along as I have gave a lump of money to reserve a house and the later it geth the chances are slimmer for getting the money back. Thanks
  8. Thanks Lee... 2Grumpy, I see what you are saying, I have been to the local citezens advice office and they didn't know a thing, I am looking into getting a solicitor involved but they are just so exsepnsive, If I can def get the default removed I will pay whatever, But you just never know...Thanks for message.
  9. Hi Lee Thanks for getting back to me, I have spoke to someone via emails and really getting nowhere. The phone call took place around 16 days ago, I can give you the time and date of phonecall, But didn't get the mans names. Many Thanks
  10. There was around 8 months left on contract, And I paid the bill over 7 months....I have been sent a letter yesterday saying the default has to stay on so rang up last night and spoke to someone from quality insurance who said there was no chance in getting the default lifted, They have sent the request up to someone in head office but the he says the answer will more than likely be a no.....I dunno what to do now, Im a just furious that somebody from Vodafone says 100% the deafult would be removed I trusted that person so thats why I put the reserve fee for the house.. I do not want anything else from Vodafone except for the default to be lifted, I'm not interested in vompo or anything else like that....I might go to solicitors but they charge a arn and a leg.... Thanks for your reply
  11. I canceled my contract with them so full figure was around £500, So I set up a payment plan with Vodafone and a set amount to be take out my account each month....No I didn't record the call but I thought Vodafone did, If I can give them a date & a rough time surely they will be able to track that...When I rang up again last week the member of staff also told me a letter would be sent out as there was a note put on my file.. It is just beyond me how 1 person can say 1 thing and another person total oppisite.....Vodafone are a really bad company, And having been reading alot about people in A similar situation. Thanks for your help.
  12. Hi 2grumpy, The amount was for something like £500, I paid the amount off each month by direct debit ( set up payment plan with vodafone) went to apply for a mortgage middle of last year and was refused so I went on to experian and seen that vodafone issued me a default. I never recieved any default warning letter, I did move house and told vodafone of this I also gave the tenant that was living at that address after me my forwarding address but that tentant was throwing mail away..... Whats anoying me is that I phoned a few weeks ago and 2 of Vodafone staff told me that 100% the default would be removed and would recieve a confrimation letter within 2 weeks well those weeks have been and gone and still no letter, I am furious as I was counting on that letter for my mortgage application and even reserved a house for a large fee which I will now lose... I am so stressed just feel like giving up and will have to rent for the rest of my lfe. Also how do I get that lee from vodafone to check out my posts.
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