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  1. This loan has a load of charges on it, and over 7 years i still owe £600 which i am still paying for monthly. I recently did a credit check and no defaults show up. My guess is that there has been a cock up from when i took the loan and mortgage out with Northern Rock and the transfer to NRAM. I am so frustrated because i know i have NOT defaulted on a loan and NRAM will not give me a straight answer. Like i say my mortgage statement clearly says i am still paying for this loan every month and i have NOT missed a payment. Thanks for any advice.
  2. I took out an unsecured loan for £1000 along with my mortgage in 2005 with Northern Rock. I recieved a letter from NRAM Debt Recovery department on Thursday (out of the blue) stating that i have defaulted on this loan and because i have not responded to previous letter?, it has been passed to the Debt Recovery Dept!! However i have been paying this loan for 7 years now and according to my last statement I still am! I explained this to NRAM over the phone and even the man i was talking to on the phone said it was probably i mistake. My problem is that i have been waiting 3 days now for an answer from them with no success,i have rang them numerous times only to be fobbed off. I have always kept up to date with my payments and have not defaulted. I am going on holiday this week but i am stressed about this debt and feel helpless, can anyone give any advice please?
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