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The Jones Collection

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  1. Afternoon all! I have been put in the same position as many of you who has had the unfortunate experience of having dealings with this circus and the outcome has been the same up and down the country by the sounds of it. Today is a day that I share with you all that I know and the satisfaction of taking this to another level. THE BAD NEWS First of all, all agents who are self employed and have not been paid for any monies owed, the sad truth is we won't get paid unless the Christian and his cronies decide to pay us, period! This news comes about from phoning the Insolvency Service, a government department, directly and speaking to someone who explained unless you are actually EMPLOYED by the company, we are not entitled to ANYTHING at all. The after thought starts to hit home - these bruts know there is no after taste for them by ensuring every agent HAS to be self employed, use them then spit them out! If you want to see what the Insolvency website has to say (and speak to someone on the phone, the numbers are also on this page), here is the details: http://www.bis.gov.uk/insolvency/contact-us THE GOOD NEWS If you want to report the directors and their slimey operations to the INVESTIGATIONS AND ENFORCEMENTS SERVICES through the Insolvency Services Department, here are the details: http://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov.uk/complaintformcib.htm Now, I'm about to do this and I would urge all of you to consider how strong the case would be if you did too, is to contact the BBC's Watchdog program and let them know how you and other people have had your lives affected by the lying, deceiptful practices of this company. Their details are here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/ If you want to really rock the boat, do what I'm about to do: Contact the Mirror, the national newspaper. Again, more than all else said so far, this is the tool that will create the most waves up and down the country for all those we don't even KNOW have been touched and burnt by this fly by night company. Putting forth your own experience to the mirror group and letting them do some investigations into what we can all put in might just be a little retribution for the sleepless nights we've all had to suffer. You might even get paid for your story! Now there's a bonus you didn't see coming! Here are the details: http://www.mirror.co.uk/contact-us/ I hope that this information so far can be of some help to you in some way! Good day to you all.
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