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Everything posted by svarli

  1. Hello, I am here in a London right now. I am here for businees needs to be able create bank account. Yesterday I visited NatWest branch - but no luck to talk with a businees manager face-to-face. Actually right now I am waiting for a call from NatWest bank regarding face-to-face meeting, but I am going under impression that they are forgot about me. Could you please make advice what to do for me in this situation? Go to another bank? If yes - which one? Barclays? Thanks for help, Maksym
  2. I was born in a small city which located near Krivoy Rog. (Shyroke district center) But currently I am work and live in Dnipropetrovsk
  3. Dnipropetrovsk city. I believe that future of Ukraine we can change by the way of creation honest business and using innovation IT technologies. Many Thanks and Best Regards, Maksym
  4. Thank you, this all information is really very helpful for me. I will let you know if I will have success with this. I know that I have very small chances but I will try. Best Regards, Maksym
  5. Many Thanks again. Please keep me posted if you will find something. Regards, Maksym
  6. Thanks for a response and Thanks for Congratulations to Ukraine! 1. How long have you had the registered company ? - Company registered one month ago. 2. What is the line of business ? - (This is start-up) We developed web based application which will help professional merchants to sell their items on different sales platforms (Amazon, eBay). 3. Do you have residence here ? - I do not have residence in UK. 4. Does your company have a trading address here or are you using the services of a hoster for your registered office ? - I have virtual office address. w1office dot com Current main goal of bank account in UK - be able receive credit card payments via Paypal Website Payments Pro. This service not require merchant account. But require UK or USA or Canada bank account. At this forum I found very interesting information about NatWest bank -> Business Foundation Current Account. Looks like it is the easiest option to create bank account, correct? I am going to visit UK and try to create bank account in NatWest bank. Please make me some advice regarding this questions. Many thanks and Best Regards, Maksym
  7. Guys, I am resident of Ukraine. I am registered Limited company in UK. I do not have credit history in UK banks and I do not have residential address in UK... During previous month I sent application forms for different banks (HSBC and Santander) but I am always received negative answer. Any chance to share your experience/best practice in solving this problem? Many thanks, Maksym
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