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  1. That's really good you stood up for yourself and changed it around.
  2. Sounds like an experience my friend had with cold calling and I bet they would try and raise a sanction. I need to ask them for a copy of the advert for this job but I don't think there is one as they called the company in to do the interviews. They even admitted they have never heard of this company before so they don't even know if they're genuine and they are suppose to find me sustainable employment. I need to do a better off calculation too. Well it's been two days and no sanction letter yet. If I get a sanction and can't pay board I'll be out the house.
  3. Great sounds like I'm up **** creek cause it's an apprenticeship and the NMW for an apprenticeship is £2.60 an hour. I'll post about my sanction when it comes through the post. I get paid tomorrow so I have got £80 to last me for however long they sanction me. My advisor said it might only be for a couple of months, yeah only. I don't know what angle to write from when I have to appeal, the fact it's below minimum wage or that it's not even a sustainable job and could even be a con
  4. Yeah it was an apprenticeship - a cheap way to get easy labour. They count these jobs as self employed. If anyone is reading this considering door to door sales then please read this first. .ripoffreport.com/corrupt-companies/cobra-group/cobra-group-deceptive-liars-a-c85c6.htm. It's a 12,000 word article on a sales company that sounded very much like the one I got offered. Told I could be a manger with my office at the interview and made a team leader etc etc. I have no advert as it was mentioned to me by my advisor at the work training place and I wish he never mentioned it now and damn right wish I never asked about it again.
  5. I'm praying the job being below national minimum wage is enough to weave the sanction but they are using the missed opportunity card claiming I could of made commission and gotten a (useless) sales qualification at the end of it. I was due to sign today and I talked to my signer and asked about my sanction, "use the phones to call this number" he said. I called the number, "see your advisor I can't help you". At this point I realized I don't actually have a job centre advisor so I went back to the training program. My advisor there is a good guy but has had to inform the manager about me turning the job down and I tried to explain my situation to her but the conversation went around in circles - I knew she was having none of it. I'll wait for this "a doubt has risen on your claim" letter and try and write a good response to defend myself. I've failed one of these before for missing an appointment due to an exam and providing proof so I know they are ruthless.
  6. I'm facing a sanction because I turned down a below minimum wage job (£2 an hour). This is a door to door sales job with an unkown company that reeks of [problem]. The hours are 40 a week and it isn't enough to cover my expenses. I got a call from my training advisor who told me they are raising a sanction on me and informing job centre I've turned down an opportunity. I asked to speak to the manager and she said because I've been out of work what's the chances of me finding any job and that if I made commission I'd be better off. I told her if I get a sanction I won't have any money for food for six months and she didn't give a damn by the tone of her voice. I said it's wrong this isn't helping me I can't rely on commission and you're forcing me into a minimum wage job, you shouldn't even be making people go for these "jobs" of unkown companies that have no reputation, no reliability. I'm scared I'll get a sanction and be out on the streets, I heard the job centre are ruthless..
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