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Andy Whitmore

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Everything posted by Andy Whitmore

  1. I have now recieved 30% of what I am owed by cheque (which has cleared) Have been promised another cheque soon.
  2. Ive been assured that agents will be paid this week Will post more later. Andy
  3. Mutual Yes I have just phoned the office today, and been told by an employee it is business as usual. Andy
  4. Mutual Oh dear, sorry to hear about your situation. I would message you, but I am a new member on here, and as I have posted less than 30 times I'm not able to message other members. Do you know if their office in Blackpool is still open for business? Did you work from there? I am going to pursue this further this week, and will post here with updates. In the mean time I am off to scour the rest of this forum, see if I can get my 'post tally' over 30! Andy
  5. Sorry for including my email ad in previous post. No the situation is not resolved. I was due to be paid on the 17th for the work I did during May, but nothing as yet other than being told that they are having 'financial difficulties'. They owe me for the first 3 weeks of June. I have now ceased doing any work for them (obviously) I am a father of 3 young children and am literally relying on this money to pay rent, bills, feed family etc. No idea what to do next.
  6. Hi moving on.. I am also an agent for XpressDox who is owed money. I have just tried messaging you but as I'm a new user (found this forum & thread whilst googling about xpressdox) I'm not allowed. If you could message me that would be great. Alternatively my email is Regards Andy
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