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Everything posted by vonny1

  1. What would you say was heavy? Getting worried again now! thanks
  2. Ok, so as long as none of the letters are to do with court (aside from the obvious threats about it) just ignore!!! Thanks.
  3. Ok so in your opinion if Lowell haven't started court proceedings after over a year, freds won't bother either? Just want my mind put at rest, thanks so much.
  4. So what will freds be able to do any different from Lowell?. Should I send them the account in dispute letter? Many thanks
  5. What do you mean ' it moves it into other account's?. So do you think telling me it's now with fredrickson is just a scare tactic and I should just ignore them? If Lowell haven't bothered taking me to court and offered reduced amount, is it unlikely fredrickson will go any further?, thanks.
  6. No Lowell couldn't produce an original cca and the account was opened prior to 2007. The account was already in dispute with the catalogue so should never of been bought by Lowell in the first place. Should I put that in my cca request to fredrickson, that it's already in dispute and I have an offer from Lowell for half the amount? Many thanks.
  7. Hi been over a year since I was last on here . Received a few letters from Lowell asking for payment of the debt , in the last one they said they would except half the debt! . I received a letter from them this morning stating that the debt had now been given to Fredrick International and they will be pursuing me for the debt. Are Fredrick part of Lowell and do I need to write to them or just ignore??? Many thanks..
  8. Sorry Bazooka Boo it is a long read but I keep getting different opinions and not sure what to go with. you're saying that if I made lowlife a small monthly offer they would have to accept it? I put in my last letter to them that the account was in dispute with Shop Direct and shouldn't of been sold to them but they didn't mention that in their reply. Yes they own the debt I had a letter of consignment. I will await there next letter and send the account in dispute letter and you think I should do that with Shop Direct also?. Sorry Brigadier, it was a photo copy of a blank credit agreement on one corner of an A4 peice of paper and someone had written my name and address on it in ball point pen. No othe r info was on it. Thanks all.
  9. Ok thank you, one last question. Obviously Hamptons are going to start sending me demand letters now. Do I keep replying telling them there not getting anything or totally ignore until court papers arrive?? Many thanks
  10. Thanks Bazooka Boo, but I'm a bit confused now, I did offer the catalogue a monthly payment, as much as I could afford but they wouldn't accept it and sold it to Lowells. Do you mean that if I had just started paying them little every month they wouldn't of sold to DCA?. I've been told that if I make lowells an offer of payment and they don't think it's enough they will take me to court anyway as I would then of acknowledged the debt anyway. I meant about having a mortgage that I am easy pickings for them, they'll want to go for bankruptcy or a charging order which is what I want to avoid. What is my best option now , ignore them until or if they take me to court and hope for the best? And can I SAR shop Direct again and claim back the charges even though Lowells own the debt?? Sorry for all the questions it's a lot for me to get my head round. I really appreciate the advice.
  11. But doesn't the info I received from the SAR look worse for me as it just listed the good that were ordered and unfortunately in the end I couldn't pay for. What info is it I need? The only thing I have in my defence is the debt being unenforceable, which after many hours of reading on here looks like its down to pure luck!! Do DCA's send out SD's sometimes with no intention of it actually getting to court , they just hope you break down and pay through worry!!. Many Thanks. Unfortunately I have a mortgage on my house Bazooka Boo so I cant see them giving up on this one without a fight. J ust as another scenario, what would happen If I wrote and offered them a small amount each month, would they accept or just say its not enough and continue anyway?? many thanks x
  12. So you think they are likely to take court action Dx? What information are you referring to? the info I got from Shop Direct was just pages of goods I'd ordered. x
  13. sorry Brigadier I forgot to answer your last question, no I haven't received a letter from Hamptons as yet. my answer machine picked up their first call which was automated asking if it was me. I rang the number back to see who it was as I hadn't heard of Hamptons and a man answered and said Lowells so I put the phone down. I have since had many missed calls from them as I just don't answer. I have also received texts asking me to ring them.
  14. Thank you Bazooka Boo I will put a complaint in to the OFC. when I send Lowells the telephone harassment letter should I add in that I've put a complaint in?? . So even though this debt is now owned by DCA Lowells its still classed as a catalogue debt then??. The only documents I've received from them Brigadier was a photocopy of a credit agreement that they had written my name and address on, I told them that the law required them to send me a true signed copy as the account was opened 2006 but they say that they have satisfied my CCA request. They had already sent me a letter after my CCA request stating that Shop Direct no longer had the document as they do not keep records for that length of time and would not hassle me again unless the document turned up!! then they sent me the unsigned copy. Then 8 weeks later sent me a copy of a buy now pay later agreement signed by myself for goods totaling £500 from 2008 which has been paid.
  15. Thanks Bazooka Boo I hope your right!!. would I be reporting them to the FCA for telephone Harassment?. Do you have an address for them please or do I just put FCA in google and it will show up?. From all the Threads I've read on here about Lowells they don't care if there wright or wrong they just take you to court anyway on the off chance they'll win. I just feel it has dragged on for so long and now its coming to a head. I just hope the unenforceable card will play out but I'm no longer holding out much hope!!. I sent SAR to Shop Direct last year Dx but it was just lists of transactions so I threw it all away. should I do it again in case the worst happens ? How will having that info help me? thank you for any advice x
  16. Hi some more advice please.. I wrote to Lowells saying that they had not sent a signed cca and that wasnt good enough and enclosed a copy of the letter that they originally sent me saying that they were not going to peruse the debt unless a credit agreement showed up. Also that the account was in dispute with Shop Direct and so shouldn't of been sold to them. I have now had a reply saying they do not agree with anything that I've said and are now handing the account over to their legal department for litigation to see if they think it will be enforceable in court. I am now receiving lots of phone calls from Hamptons demanding that I speak to them urgently !! who is Hamptons?? from what I've read on here I thought Lowells legal team were called Brian Carter. Now its in the hands of this Hampton's is it more likely now that I'm going to get sued?? .. Ant advice greatly appreciated.
  17. I offered a monthly payment to kays but they said no and passed it to there in house collections department. They also refused my monthly payment and sold it to lowells. They have been playing letter tennis with me for a while now so I'm hoping that if they thought they'd got enough to take me to court they would of done so by now!!. I will write to them stating I want to see a signed credit agreement. If anyone could give me an idea of how to word it so it sounds like I know what I'm talking about I'd be very grateful. Many thanks.
  18. The agreement was with kays that then changed to K&Co. But there is no agreement as such as I never signed one, only an agreement for some buy now pay later goods in 2008 and those goods have been paid for!!. The account was opened via telephone in 2006. Many thanks x
  19. Hi baby doll, could you give me an idea of what I can write to them. There waiting for a response to their letter and I want to sound like I know what I'm talking about. Many thanks x
  20. I'm sorry I don't hThank you printer at the moment and don't know how to do it on my phone. It is a proper agreement with my name, date of birth, date of transaction etc. But just for the buy now pay later goods and they also sent yet another copy of a recon credit agreement for the account. Thank you.
  21. Yes it's complete, all fields filled in. Yes it's for the same account. It's strange because I don't remember ever sending a form off let alone signing one but it's my signature!. Will this give them more grounds to take me to court now?? Many thanks.
  22. Hi some more advice needed please. since my last post I sent Lowells a letter stating that a recon was not good enough as the account was opened pre 2007 and also said that as the account with Shop Direct was in dispute it should never have been passed on to them!. I then received a letter stating that they were going to investigate my complaint and would get back to me with their findings within 8 weeks. They wrote back at 8 weeks saying they needed more time. I have now received a letter this morning which makes it 10 weeks. They state that under section 76/78 they do not have to send me a true signed copy of a credit agreement and the unsigned recon they send me will suffice. Unfortunately for me they have managed to come up with a signed agreement for some buy now pay later items totaling £500 in 2008. Does this mean they've got me by the short and curly's or is that no different than saying I signed for the goods when they came to my door?. They have given me 28 days to give them my payment proposal. Still no signed credit agreement though. I know whatever I offered them would not be good enough and they'll go straight for a charging order!!. Would be grateful for any advice on what I should write back to them. Many Thanks.
  23. Hi you posted on my thread to see where I am to date. All 3 of my cat debts went into areas over a year ago now. I sent CCA request to simply be who couldnt provide one and wrote to me telling me they were closing the file and would not pursue the debt, so I'm hoping thats the end of it but you never know!!. Regarding the Freemans Debt, that was passes to a DCA who hounded me with threatening letters and then sent a collector to my door. I just said I couldnt afford anything, he didnt even argue with me and just left and thats the last I heard about that one!. The biggie K@co account was sold to Lowells a couple of months ago and I have just received another letter from them this morning actually asking for payment and threatening court action!!. The same as you, the one thing I'm terrified of is them getting a charging order on my house!. I have to wonder though, why haven't any of them taken there chances in court!! Only time will tell I suppose. Its such a horrible business, If they just gave you a bit of help when you needed it things would never go this far!. For me its just waiting now, and dreading every time the post man comes!!. Good luck....
  24. hi I totally agree, reading through forums like this makes you realise just how many people there are in the same boat!!. I think the main reason for my worrying so much is because I still own half a house and didn't want them making me sell it as it's all I have for my children!. I have told my family now. I couldn't cope with the stress on my own anymore. if catalogue company's would just be more understanding when people fall on hard times and let you pay what you can afford without adding ridiculous amounts of interest that just ensures you've got no chance of ever paying it back, things would be a lot easier!!. Well good luck, I'm just going to play the waiting game now , and as Dx said , get on with my life. X
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