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  1. Thanks for your advice, I'm going to speak with coop about setting up a new bank account. My current bank is Lloyds TSB, I was really hoping they would be able to help me. I've cancelled my bank card so at least MiniCredit wont be able to take any more money. I've also emailed them and cc'd myself in for proof with my complaint, I can't imagine that they will take it serious and I'll just be treated like there other unhappy customers. What would be the next step with dealing with this problem?
  2. Just got off the phone to my bank and they have said there is nothing they can do until it clears on my statement. Then I can call them and discuss right of appropriation which would be cancelling payments a company/person. I explained that it was a benefit that has been used to make this payment, they explained that it didn't matter because as soon as that money is in my account it is mine to be used on whatever. I asked to speak with a senior member and the person explained that it wouldn't matter because they couldn't do anything until it had cleared. They said that when I entered into an agreement and gave the company my details I 'pre-authorised' them to take whatever they need. I asked if these payments could be cancelled for the future, he then went through right of appropriation again and explained that they can do this only once and it has to be with advance notice. I said I didn't know about this, this was the reason why I hadn't called earlier. He also said that if they do it more than once they will close my account because I can't bank in that way.
  3. I'm going to call my bank now and advise that I have been speaking to a debt help charity and explain exactly this. As I said it does show on my account where the money came from. I will keep you all updated. Thanks again.
  4. I am really grateful for your reply. My bank statement shows the money coming in from JSA. Do I need to speak to my bank regarding the charge back? Also with regards to filing a complaint with minicredit do I just explain that the money they have just taken (£75 in the last 2 days which put me over drawn, I then received my first JSA today in my account which left me with £60 in my account before they took another £50 today). Sorry if these are simple questions I am just so worried about how I will live and just want to make sure I get everything straight before I act. Thank you again.
  5. Hi onlymemyself, I don't want jack your thread but felt I should join this conversation as I am in a similar position. I originally borrowed £100 and after losing my job I was unable to pay. Today was the first day I received my JSA to which minicredit cleared my account. I will be speaking with my bank to cancel my card. I called minicredit and explained my situation and that I had already emailed their complaints dept but never received a reply although they say they did.. They have taken from my account up to now £230 as well as bumping up what I owe to £585. This is extortionate! If I have read correctly they say they will debit £25 a day or something similar but for me they have taken 2 sets of £25 in any given day funds were available in my account. I should have cancelled my card earlier but I didn't think. Can anyone advise where I would stand on the fact that they have already taken such a large amount from my account which has left me with nothing left not even to be able to live. I did explain this to them but they didn't care and told me there was nothing they can do.
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