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Everything posted by TheLetter7

  1. Hi John, I have double checked both possible email accounts and have not recieved any kind of contract of agreement from SC since the original text [which was what made me aware]The only 'contact' they have tried to make is via text to a mobile that is generally inactive. [surely letters should be sent aswell? or emails at least] Also atm I only seem to be recieving mail from MH, but if NDR and the others persist aswell, I'll report it.
  2. Ok, sorry. Don't worry about that last bit. I read the link you gave me and thats cleared up all my doubts. Thankyou.
  3. Wow, never realised how much of that they're not allowed to do! So far though, I haven't seen/made a connection between Speed Credit and CIM? The licence number for SC is the same as MCO Capital LTD. Could you explain briefly how CIM and all these other organisations fit together? Just want to make sure I don't make any mistakes/inconsistencies throughout this email.. Thankyou for those exerts btw, they will come in very useful
  4. It's all going into one very long letter. Couple of other thing I've thought of..Firstly, I've just checked my emails, and I never actually recieved any sort of contract or agreement from Speed Credit, and also the first dca to contact me was NDR, but recently I've got a letter from Appleton stating that they are acting as a dca for NDR? Thought this was a bit strange... Oh I really hope their licence is revoked, they're an absolute joke!
  5. An earlier later from NDR; 12/06/2012 We have been passed your file by our client Speed Credit t/a Speed Credit Day Loan*. You took a loan with them on 30.04.2012. They have made numerous attempts to contact you [I guess a couple of texts counts as numerous attemps, dispite being **** poor] to arrange repayment and have offered to put you on a more flexable and affordable payment plan. [Little difficult to offer than when they never spoke to us...] As you have ignored all calls, emails, letters and sms your file has now been passed on to ourselves as well as solicitors. PLEASE CALL US AS A MATTER OF URGENCY ON xxxx xxx xxxx OTHERWISE we will be left no option but to send our Field Agents to your addresses. We are also liasing with our solicitors who are in the process of obtaining a County Court Claim against you. Once this is secured we will then be able to execute: - a Warrant of Execution for court bailliffs to sieze goods - an Attachment on Earnings to deduct sums for your income at source - a Garnishing Order to freeze your bank account Legal and recovery fees have been added to your file. Below is a breakdown of what you owe: Loan GBP 100.00 Loan and Interest GBP 196 Legal Fees GBP 150 Recovery Fees GBP 200 Repayments todate GBP 0 Total GBP 561 [I'm not maths genius but I'm pretty sure those numbers don't add up to that amount...] These fees may be reduced if contact it made immediately. [given the huge total cost obviously I rang them, and we agreed on paying back £200 in a lump sum, within two weeks to clear the debt...But, I didn't record the call] We, in conjunction with the Solicitors and the County Court will be pursuing you for the monies that you owe. This debt will only increase the longer you ignore it as interest will carry on accruing and Court fees and Bailiff fees will ultimately be added. [They can add whatever extortionate costs they want, I'm not going to pay them] If we do not hear from you within 48 hours further action will be taken. To stop this you MUST please CALL US today on xxxx xxx xxxx Greg Campbell. Now I'm no expert, but there does seem to be alot of pressure, and a hell of a lot of fear factors and subtle threat in that letter. This'd send some people over the edge...I've thought about killing myself because they can't collect if I'm dead. It's no wonder so many people do commit suicide over things like this. These companies are disgusting.
  6. Now, apparently my file/debt has been legally passed over to Marshall Hoares Bailiff. This is an exact copy of the email recieved earlier today; BY LETTER AND EMAIL Reference: BAILIFF/INTR/12759148 Client: Speed Credit - Speed Credit Pay Day Loan* Client Ref: 12759148 Date: 25/06/2012 Dear Mallinson, We are writing to give you formal notice that Speed Credit has legally assigned the rights of the above debt to Marshall Hoares Bailiffs. This means that Marshall Hoares Bailiffs Limited now legally own this debt. Our records show that you have failed to make payments / not come to an acceptable payment arrangement/ not responded to correspondences / when agents have visited your addresses you have not answered. We intend to pursue you fully for all outstanding sums including any fees we incur collecting this debt. Payment of 561 must be received in full no later than 13:00 SEV EN days from 25/06/2012 TAKE NOTICE: You should accept this letter as formal notification that unless payment is received within 7 days then your account will be considered for the following: Consequences of inaction: 1. Court Judgement legal action will be automatically started in the County Court for recovery of the full amount outstanding. Any such proceedings will include additional claims for legal costs and interest which will increase the amount you will be required to pay. 2. Warrant of execution will be applied for to enable us to seize goods at your addresses and or an attachment of your earnings. 3. Register of Judgements the judgement will be entered in a public register, the Register of Judgements, Orders and Fines Credit Reference Agencies, who will supply them to credit grantors and others seeking information on you financial reputation. This will make it very di fficult for you to get credit. 4. Credit reference Speed Credit have already advised the Credit Reference Agencies of your Default. This may seriously affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. Once the balance is paid in full, only then will the default be shown as "Default Satisfied". Yours Faithfully Marshall Hoares Bailiffs & Enforcement Agents
  7. I'll definately be reporting this. What does it mean for clients if Speed Credit ARE acting as an unlicenced broker...? I do have a copy of their licence number (xxx xxx), which was taken from their website, but it's basically identical to the one on Help Loan (xxxxxx/1) [they've stopped giving loans now though] Any idea if this is legal? Sorry to bombard with questions, but I'm really new to this... Thanks for your help btw.
  8. I ended up with a loan with SpeedCredit, but I was trying to use a site named "Uncle Buck". Anyone heard of them? It's confused me, because I filled out the form at Uncle Buck website, and the was forwarded to the SpeedCredit site where I gave them my back details [without realising it was a different site]. It was only after recieving a text from them that I realised it was a totally different group. No I've got NDR and AMS both trying to collect the same debt, both threatening legal action... How can I find out their licence number? And what other organisations are named under Toothfairy? These people need to be dealt with NOW. Effectively, they're killing hundreds of people with their threat letters, causing panic for people in impossible situations...I hope they die! [sorry for the aggresiveness but they make me so angry]
  9. Basically, took out an original loan of £100 *SpeedCredit*, with interest it got to £196, then it got passed to NDR and the total skyrocketed to £561 [which also doesnt add up with the figures they've put in the letter] We rung them [but I didn't record the call] and agreed that the debt would be cleared if we paid £200 by 26-06-2012, but a week later we got a letter from AMS saying that we've made no effort to make payments, or an 'acceptable arrangement for repayment'. AMS have also said that unless the amount is paid in FULL by the 26th they will issue County Court Proceedings against us. I've noted some advice about only paying the loan amount plus one month interest, which seems fair, but as I havent seen anything on court proceedings it's starting to worry me. Should I take it more seriously because it's from a solicitor, or should I treat it the same as any other DCA's? Any help or advice you could give me would be hugely appreciated. Letter7
  10. Basically, took out an original loan of £100 with SpeedCredit*, with interest it got to £196, then it got passed to NDR and the total skyrocketed to £561 [which also doesnt add up with the sums they've put in the letter] We've rung them and agreed that the debt would be cleared if we paid £200 by 26-06-2012, but a week later we got a letter from AMS saying that we've made no effort to make payments, or an 'acceptable arrangement for repayment'. AMS have also said that unless the amount is paid in FULL by the 26th they will issue County Court Proceedings against us. I've noted advice about only paying the loan amount plus one month interest, which seems fair, but as I havent seen anything on court proceedings it's starting to worry me. Should I take it more seriously because it's from a solicitor, or should I treat it the same as any other DCA's? Any help or advice you could give me would be hugely appreciated. Letter7
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