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  1. Thank you. Also, with regards to the creditor who is demanding me to settle the debt that was included in the bankruptcy, what do I do with them? They say they will bring me to court if I don't settle the debt.
  2. Oh, ok, thank you. What about the creditor who is demanding me to settle the debt? Can they bring me to court although it was in my bankruptcy and also that I am already discharged? Do I need to settle the debt with them now? Thanks
  3. Yes, actually I do have a problem. I was declared bankrupt in March 2011 and no IPA/IPO was set-up then because I became ill and could not work. I was discharged in March 2012. Can I arrange an IPA/IPO to pay off my creditors? Another problem is that one of my creditors who was also included in my bankruptcy may have sold my debt to a recovery company and is now demanding me to pay the debt. The company is saying they will take me to court if I don't contact them and settle the debt.
  4. Hi, I was declared bankrupt in March 2011 and no IPA/IPO was set up then because I became ill and could not work. I was discharged in March 2012. Do I need to have IPA/IPO set up now so I can pay back my creditors?
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