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  1. Thanks for the reply, I haven't signed anything since I've been there or confirmed my details this is what's making them mad with their threats. I haven't had an action plan only this application tracker. I have been sticking to my jobseekers agreement applying for jobs but they said it wasn't enough proof but it's good enough for the jobcentre. Thanks
  2. Hi, just a quick one about the application tracker for a list of jobs I have applied, do you think I should ask them for a letter stating that it's mandatory for me to fill this in and what the consequences will be if I don't? I can then go to the DWP and get clarification off them if this is legal. Thanks all
  3. Hi, thanks for your reply I think I will put down what you say that way they can't do anything about it. Also does anyone know what happens when you go on CV activity class and they get you to write CV's. I have a CV and shown them it but with all my details redacted can I redact the one I am writing in the class because I have a sneaky feeling this might be the way the get hold of your CV. I have a CV and I apply for many jobs but they don't believe me. Thank you
  4. Just been to Ingeus and they are saying to me that they are going to do everything by the book now because I won't give them my details. I had to see the manager of Liverpool and Southport and she said I did and I told her I didn't and said the Jobcentre says you have to find a way round the claimant if they don't consent, this had her foxed and she said it wasn't true. She was so sure of herself that she didn't carry on asking, they don't have a clue. They said they were going to put me on all the activities trying to scare me I was already booked on them! Also she gave me application tracker for a list of jobs I have applied for I showed her my jobseeker one and she said she needs their one filling in, is this true? I also said what happens to this because you can't contact these people as I haven't signed the waiver. They said they don't anyway, like I believe that. Does anyone what would happen if I refuse or just blanked out the details, can I be sanctioned? Thanks
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