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  1. yeah cheers.....precisely why i said 'i think' GE have gone back on what they were goin to do by handing it to receiver...
  2. panic over i think....GE finally back off what must be a long long lunch....they have never heard of a tenant buying a property from them before it is vacant and on the open market. it has to be vacant and sold, obviously tenant can then buy it if they give the best offer. thanks if anyone knows anything else about this subject please reply
  3. I have no control of who the tenant is under the terms of receiver.
  4. yeah, GE are 'getting back to me'. i have not given permission for tenant to speak to GE, not only do i not want my finances disscussed but, from past experience with the tenant, i am concerned that she will try to renegnotiate renting it (as she knows she cant get mortgage)..which is not what i want. long story but i want the house gone...it was due to be repo'd 18mths ago but tenant used her rights and then the receiver got involved
  5. hi, hope im in the right place, i have a tenanted property, that is being dealt with by a 'fixed charge receiver', due to may past financial problems. the tenant has been given notice to quit the property, then the 'receiver' plans to hand control back to the morgage co(ge money) so they can take possession and sell it. my issue is that the tenant wants me to give permission for her to speak to ge as she want to buy the property and does not want to move out. Can this happen.? surely the property has to be in vacant possession of ge for them to sell it on the open market, and getting the best price for me to clear the mortgage.. thanks
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