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Everything posted by SuperJon

  1. Also, with regards to the job opportunity. The situation is this - the company(for what ever reason) decided that they would make my Manager's role redundant(and therefore him too) and employ a different, slightly higher level of 'Head'. The Director wrote to all managers at my level apart from, guess who? Yes me, this issue arose at a keeping in touch meeting when my manager told me in, what he called "an off the record conversation" that he was being made redundant. He seemed surprised that I hadn't been told and said that he would get the Director to contact me via letter to fill me in with the details - he hasn't to this day done this. I have subsequently found out that the 'Head' role was detailed on that email which I've never received. As I've said, I'm not saying for a second I would have got this job or even been selected for interview(or even been able to attend because of my condition)but I would have loved to try and apply despite this. It just seems that they made the decision for me.
  2. The Occupational Health report says that it is impossible at this stage to say how long it will take for the specialists to get my condition under control, if they can! Goes on to say that should expect a minimum of three months from the report date which I think was May. As far as adjustments, because my condition he said there was little to suggest as way of adjustments since I'm struggling with my own self management - ie walking, sitting for too long etc. I have to use a piece of software called Dragon on my PC otherwise it would be pretty much impossible to even type! So please accept my apologies if there are spelling or grammatical mistakes - it's sometimes too literal! This is part of the problem - I think my manager thought he was a medical expert and quoted lots of dross about my condition. He said that the Occupation Health report would result in them sacking me(which he suggested this was my employers preferred route!) or me having to return to work almost immediately. Actually neither of these scenarios have happened(yet at least) but that didn't stop me from worrying senseless about it! Emmzzi - please don't withdraw; it's great that you, Ibruk and Squaddie(sorry if I've missed anyone) are so passionate about this and I really value your help but please don't fall out over it.
  3. Hi Emmzzi - I guess for me this is quite a tough question. I am a Departmental Manager so I've been a real advocate of the brand(part of a FTSE250 company employing around 16,000 employees) but this has really made me question what sort of company they are. As part of my grievance I asked what training they had in place for understanding the Equalities Act and managing long term sickness in the workplace - they have nothing. Despite what others have said - I feel I have genuinely been robbed of a promotion possibility because I took redundancy from another company before working at the next level up from what I am doing now. I'm not saying that I would have got it for a second but, regardless of my condition, it would of been nice to have a try. I haven't treated anyone of my people like this in the past and the way they have treated me just goes against the grain. I think I'd ideally like a transfer if possible or for us to have an amicable divorce so I can get on with my career! I work on the basis of 'treat others how you'd want to be treated' but my employers have fell well short here.
  4. Hi there, With regards to my condition then yes, been through the occupation health and they have confirmed that my condition is classed as a disability under the Equalities Act 2010. With regards to recording the conversations then, as I said, I don't feel great about doing this but I'd asked him to stop talking bull but he continued - once he was given notice of redundancy then it got even worse. Not sure in these circumstances what else I, or anyone for that matter, could do and I'm the sort of person that stands up in the face of a bully!
  5. Hi there, I've had quite a torrid few months since I developed a disability(ankylosing spondilitus) and have been off work since whilst the Rheumatologists try their hardest to get me back on my feet(literally) again. My manager hasn't be great at all - he has always had a habit of saying things that fall way short of reasonable and it was no surprise that he started to stick the boot in to me at our keeping in touch meetings. Anyway, a long story short, after being treated like 'you know what' for months and missing out on a promotion possibility as work failed to tell me that my Manager was being made redundant - I decided, for the first time in my life to put in a grievance. I'd spoken to several agencies and they all agreed that I had a good, strong case to go to tribunal if I wanted to. Well, the grievance hearing has come and gone and I've, surprise surprise, been told that there is insufficient evidence from my employers perspective. I'm now considering taking it to the next stage. After my first 'keeping in touch' meeting, my Manager said so many blatantly outrageous things that I decided to record any further conversations for my own protection. It's not something I feel great about to be honest but I'm glad I recorded at least some of the conversations because it clearly demonstrates the ongoing and persistant discrimination and harassment I've had to put up with. However, and here's the dilemma, I've NOT told my employers that I have some recorded conversations where he has clearly demonstrated disregard for me and my condition. Now they have knocked back my first grievance I'm really not sure what I can do(if anything) about revealing that I have this evidence. Any advice would be fantastically helpful.
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