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Everything posted by johnkirk

  1. I went for my first appointment last week when i left i felt that the person i seen was not listening to me, she said that she would have a look at my cv and change it i protested because i am sick of chaning my cv just because someone does't like the layout, as i tried to point out that employers have their own ideas of how a cv should be so it does not make any differenc how it is written. She also that when i went in the following week she would have a look to see if their was any more benefits that i could get, i told her it was a waste of time because i had already looked into it and had been told that i could not get any more money, but it is like talking to a brick wall. When i got home and read the letter that she gave which i now will write i beleive that it is a form of bullying "Your activites for your next appointment are: You are requiredto attend your next arranged advisor interview as detailed at the top of this letter Please bring in a completed jobseeker diary including employer details, job title and the method in which you applied for position. The information must be sufficient so that your advisor can contact an employer to chase up your application on yor behalf This tracker form must include a minimun of three advertised jobs per week that you have applied for Your are required to email a digital copy of your cv to name at ingeus .co.uk The activities listed in this letter should be completed before or by your next appointment. please ensure that you bring evidence to show that you have completed the above activites to your next appointment. mandatory activity notification - this is a mandatory appointment. If you do not undertake the activites required in this notification your benfits could be affected. I have taken a copy of this letter to by MP's office and they have said that as long as i satisfy the job centre then that shoud do. As i said above it is in my opition a form of bullying and since i have been to them i have not slept for four or five days wil worry it is hard enough to survie on dole money as it is without being threatned of loseinf it. I would say to everybopdy on the work programme weather it is with ingeus or not should go and see their MP if they are not happy
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