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  1. The insurance have already taken my vehicle, and Aviva already authorised repairs. I have still not been told officially who has been assigned the blame to this - so should I refuse delivery of the vehicle which is due back on Thursday this week?
  2. Thank you so much guys. It does appear that she has either changed her mind about what she did, or has been pressured into doing so by someone else. I'm absolutely furious about this, there are 3 witnesses to the accident, my passenger and 2 people who were following closely behind, so its not as if it is my word vs hers! Thank you so much! I'll keep you posted.
  3. Hi, I was hit my another driver on the 29th of may whilst driving into my local town. I was in the right hand lane of a dual-carriage flyover (a 2 lane part of the A46 which crosses a bridge in between 2 roundabouts). I was minding my own business when a lady drove straight into the side of me - she had decided she wanted to come into the right hand lane, and rather than signal and look, she just moved across and hit me as I was side by side with her. She admitted liability - both to me in person, and also to her insurance company whilst on the phone to them in my presence (I was literally within 2 feet of her). So, since she drove into me, and admitted fault, I believed this was a done deal. Since then, my OWN insurance company have said that I will most likely be told to pay my excess as the blame will be split 50/50. I argued this on the phone with them, and I wanted to know how was I in any way to blame. They told me that because this woman left her lane and drove into mine when we were side by side, this is automatically a disputed claim and the insurance company would decide who to blame, and that it would most likely be both of us. Obviously, I am absolutely furious about this. I don't understand how my insurance co (RAC/ u.w AVIVA) can speak with her insurance co and decide that it is 50/50 when this lady has driven over into my lane and smashed up my car. I have sent evidence of the damage to both vehicles which backs up what happened (its obvious to anyone who sees the photos of my damage and the area on her car which did the damage). I also had a passenger who I don't reallly know too well, they have spoken with him and he also confirms what happened. Even the lady who hit me confirmed my version of events. I don't know why I should pay out £500 excess that I cannot claim back, and also lose my 7 years no claims when I was innocent in this accident and was driven into by another person. The insurance companies seem to have already made up their minds on this one, the 3rd party has contacted me and confirmed her insurance co are also saying it is 50/50, but it truly wasn't. PLEASE HELP! I don't know how to fight this. So I need help! Thanks. Scott.
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