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Everything posted by nchm

  1. I had a ton of defaults, most of which dropped off in 2018, two dropped off earlier this year and one left still on it. Who do I complain too about IRL? As they have shut me down on that one already. Thanks
  2. Hi all, Apologies if this is in the wrong place. Wondered if anyone could advise. I opened a Ambrose Wilson account in June 2017 (apr 39.9%) Several purchases and payments later and I had a credit limit of £1000. June 2018 I open a Simply Be account which has a 39.9% apr also. Limit started small and has now rose to £1000. AW raised my limit also to £2000. In February this year after paying the minimum on both accounts for a few months I check through my AW statements as the balance never seems to go down and realise that in August 2018 they increased my AW apr to 69.9%!!!! I contacted them and asked why this was the case and they said because they assessed me as being a higher credit risk. Yet they continued to raise my limits on both accounts!! I asked them to reduce the interest back and back and said I would work hard at clearing the debts and close the accounts. They said they would not reduce, remove or help with interest or charges. All correspondence has been via email from my side. I said they may well have a case case to answer for irresponsible lending seeing as they apparently identified me as a high credit risk and then continued to raise limits. The complaints department wrote to me saying they have done nothing wrong, interest and charges would not change and that the matter was now closed. I was sent an email asking for I & E assessment to set up a payment plan. However this is pointless seeing as the interest and charges are way more every month! I did however send them all my details with a more than adequate offer of repayment. This was done in April 2019. They have ignored this email with the I & E details attached since. I resent it at the end of April, beginning of June and again this week. Nobody responds. I missed my payments in May and June. On purpose to hopefully try and gain a response that way but all that is happening is they charge me even more and send me letters saying to contact them as they can help me and will be sympathetic to any financial difficulties!! I have contacted them! Several times! where do I go from here? What do I have to do to get a response about the payments? Can they really ignore me and keep applying 69.9% interest and charges every month?? Thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks Rebel, will look forward to some advice. I cant be the only person in the world in this situation
  4. Good morning all New to the forum, and would like some advice please! Had an IVA when i was a very young, paid up & finished several years ago now. Had several more credit to basically re-build my credit rating...... overdraft, credit cards with all the high interest rate companies! etc, catalogue. Done really well for 3 years, paying off every month. Then single parent land hit me. Small expensive person now lives in my house. I owe a total of £12500 now to 8 creditors. Up untill this month of rainy June, have kept up to date with all payments. And i can do this month. I rob one creditor to pay the other every month. I have done myself a 'financial forecast' for the rest of the year as i am up to all my limits, and basically on a part time wages and tax credits i am screwed from around august onwards. Applied for a consolidation loan with my bank and it went through, then at last minute they declined it as they said my credit report showed BR/IVA from years ago. I thought it was only for 6 years after! Which that 6 years has passed now. It feels annoying that so many companies (including the one who refused the loan) have lent money to me in the last few years with no mention of the IVA but then bring it up now! Anyway...... So i am now at the what the hell do i do next...... I am guessing you can only ever do one IVA, and i only owe £12500 now, my previous IVA was for £40000. I want to pay the money back, but as my disposable income after bringing up a child alone is about £100 a month, i simply cant! Im 30 now, and live in a private rented house. Have a 2 year old. My income is a part time wage & tax credits. Thats it. I have a car on hire purchase which is £130 a month which i pay as a priority as i work 25 miles away and start at 7am. So with no car, there is no public trasnport which would allow me to drop my child off at childcare, and travel 25 miles due to start at 7am. So i cant go bankrupt as i would lose the car. I lose the car, and i lose my job. Then its income support from there on in. Feel in a bit of a rut. Am so looking forward to the calls from the creditors in august when my 1st payment is missed. And i know i should of learned my lesson first time round, Im not going to insult anyone with silly excuses. 1st time round it was a case of thousands of pounds being thrown at a teenager and i thought it was a great life, not realising the unlimited money would go pop. This time round, although a lot less debt - is literally supporting a child on a single parent part time wage. Being a single divorced mum at 30 wasnt in my life plans........ I never wish to see any other credit ever again!!! I am going to open a basic bank account this week. Whatever option i go for to sort this debt out, i will need to do that i know. Contract on my phone is up next month. Back to pay as you go. Pay off the hire purchase car and im done. And try and sort this new mess out. I have thought about a DMP. But..... if they dont freeze my interest/charges then £100 a month payments wont even cover that. So i will be in debt for life..... What a nightmare!! Any advice, what would you do? Anyone been there, done it, got the t-shirt, then gone back for the matching shorts? Thanks Me x
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