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Everything posted by Nimrod205

  1. Just want to say thanks for the responses. Next stop is a visit to Shelter before the fun starts.
  2. Background My daughter is a tenant in a shared house on a (joint) AST which runs from July2011 until June 2012. Unusually, the landlord required a new AST agreement (From July 2012 until June 2013) to be signed by the 3 tenants already in December 2011. I signed as guarantor for my daughter for both tenancy agreements based upon the fact that she was receiving a maintenance grant from Student Finance. She was never provided with a copy of the tenancy agreement in either case. In January this year, she decided (for a number of reasons) to drop out of Uni and moved out of the house. Over the last 5 months she has found a number of potential replacement tenants that have all been (initially) approved by the other 2 tenants only to have them rejected at the last moment without any reasons being given. Two of her potential tenants were even given viewings by the landlord who then recommended them to the others but these were also rejected without any reasons being given. My daughter has religiously paid the rent over the last 5 months but cannot afford to pay any more as she is now an apprentice on a very low income. The landlord has stated that he cannot take sides or show favour to anyone and has said (quite rightly) that cooperation is needed. Unfortunately, all attempts by my daughter to make contact by telephone or email receive no reply. They are holding her to ransom and this cannot continue. The landlord has made no efforts to mediate or to help in finding a new tenant. The landlord is now chasing me for the unpaid rent for June 2012. Due to these events, I started to research my liability as guarantor. Here are the facts as they pertain to me. 1. The landlord sent guarantor "forms" for me to sign. They simply state that I agree to stand guarantor for my daughter and to pay any rent or costs from a breach of the Tenancy Agreement . They are not deeds and only contain the address of the rental property. Only my daughters name is mentioned and there is nothing mentioned about how much the rent is. 2. No accompanying letters (requiring me to study the tenancy agreement) were sent and the only copy of a tenancy agreement I have ever seen is one I requested from the landlord on the 1st June this year. 3. The landlord maintains that there is a "template" tenancy agreement on his website and this is sufficient for me to have seen what my responsibilities were. 4. The CAB have advised me not to pay but it was not a solicitor who provided the advice. I would simply like to know where I stand and if I have a reasonable defence if this ever comes to the small claims court. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
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