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  1. Thanks Thought I would have to claim it back, all a bit rubbish really considering I won't get the money for months. BTW does anyone have any idea what a 'embracing change meeting' is? I have to go to one, as its compulsory.
  2. But I have to go to the dentist on Monday, so what will I say?
  3. When do you get that letter? The woman at the JC didn't say about any letters. I will be singing off in two weeks to go on holiday. My next meeting with my advisor will be after I get back off holidays as all their appointments are full until after I leave.
  4. So shall I just tell the dentist reception that im on income based JSA? She (the advisor in the job centre) gave me the HC1 form, though I can see from the front it isn't the right form.
  5. I had the appointment and it went ok. The only thing I was wondering. When I asked about free dental treatment, I was told I needed to fill in a HC1 form. But on the front of the form it says its not for people claiming income based JSA. What are you supposed to do to get it?
  6. Thanks for the advice guys. When do you get your first payment? Also, does anyone know if you get paid JSA from last when you apply or from your first appointment? Do you think I should say tomorrow about the holiday? Thanks
  7. Hi, I applied for JSA online on Saturday, and have an appointment this Friday.(I thought they gave an appointment within two days so Monday or Tuesday, but they said Friday) What happens at the appointment? Apart from my ID what do I need to bring? How long do you think it will take? What do they expect you to do to get JSA? Ive been applying to around twenty jobs per week, is this enough? Also, do you get paid JSA from last Saturday or from this Friday? Thanks
  8. Nystagmite- I don't understand what you mean? I would pay it into my parents bank account. Also I would genuinely be giving my parents the money, its not fraudulent in any way in my opinion. On the masters funding front, I dare say a great majority of parents give their children something when they do their masters. Why would it be unusual for may parents to give me money for it? The asset limit is so ridiculously low IMO. I mean, its a good idea to have some limit, but it is so low. What if someone in their 50s was made redundant and used up all their contributory JSA. They would be expected to pay with the savings for their retirement before getting any JSA. Then they would live in poverty in retirement. Living in South Wales it is so hard to get any sort of job at all, especially with no real experience. I have applied for so many, but most don't even reply.
  9. Just another throught. My landlord paid back my deposit last week (It was £300), but my parents paid it originally. They said I could keep the money, but surely I could pay it back to them? Also anyone have any information on the rent front. A friend says he 'paid' his parents £50 per week as rent, before claiming JSA. Also I will go ahead and buy my Euros, and just declare it as an asset.
  10. Well I have already paid off the credit card, it was only a few hundred pounds. What would you say was reasonable to pay my parents in rent? Would it be £20/£20/£40/£50 per week, what about back payments? So you are saying if I bought Euros, I would have to declare them as assets? On the deprivation of assets front; I know someone who has recently inherited a large amount of money and they then precoded to buy an Volkswagen Golf Gti which cost over £28k. They still claim JSA, so it must be possible to spend some money. Also (Sorry for all the questions), do you get free NHS dentistry treatment on JSA?
  11. Thanks for the advice guys The university career service were pretty clear that you cannot claim JSA until your course has officially finished, and the university doesn't think it has finished until graduation day. All the document I have have the course finish date as my graduation day. Don't know if this is different with other universities? What I meant by legally hiding the money was: -I could pay my parents rent, with back rent (they don't charge me rent atm, and they would give it back if I needed it, say to pay for my masters) -I could buy a MacBook Pro that I have always wanted- it costs £1500. If the government will given me less money I may as well buy it now. My current laptop if over 4 years old and on its way out. -I could buy my Euros for my holiday now, and keep the cash safe I have already paid the few hundred quid I owed on a credit card, even though I had another 10 months interest free period to pay it off. I did have a job from 2009 until 2011, but not in this or the last tax year and it was no more than £1k income per annum.
  12. Hi, I’m due to graduate from university next week, and sadly, like most people I know, I have yet to get a job. I’m planning on claiming JSA from next week, as advised by the university. Though have a few questions. I have around £8k in the bank. Can I in any way legally 'hide' this money? I am planning on finding a job and then doing a masters degree in the next academic year (2013/2014), so need this money in order to pay for the fees, which would be a minimum of £7000. I live with my parents at the moment who both work, does this affect me? I’m going on holiday in the middle of August for 4 weeks (Its at a friends hours, low cost flights etc.) I realise I can't claim for this period, but what would I say to the job centre? Could I also buy my Euros now and hide them under the mattress as it were? Any other general advice for graduating students claiming JSA would be welcome. Thanks
  13. Thanks for the replies guys Im a bit confused though as to what exactly I would write to the broker (Motaquote). The BTE isn't PPI, but I was told it was compulsary when it was optional. Also what would I ask for back as a refund, the BTE (Before the event) Insurance cost £70. I took the insurance out on finance (again, how silly of me) and that charged an APR of 35.5% What about the document charges? @ Menas2anend- what did you mean about no capacity to contract?) Also I have just fully checked all the details and they had also added without my knowledge creakdown cover and excess policy waiver insurance. I didn't know I had these. Very angry with Motaquote at the moment. (Also sorry if I seem totally stupid. Money and contracts confuse me greatly, and now I know not to lend money, and to live on what I can afford to spend otherwise I could get in trouble. Again, thanks for your help )
  14. It BTE or Before the event insurance considered the same as PPI though? I think it was missold as I was told I needed it when I didn't. Also I was wrong about the date, it was actually four years ago, and I was only 17 when the agreement was signed, does that make a difference? TBF its partially my own fault as I was overwhelmed by the information and trusted the brooker, which wasn't really a great idea.
  15. Hi, I took out a car insurance policy two years ago through a broker. I was just reviewing old paperwork before shredding it and I noticed something strange. It said on the paper work BTE Insurance (Optional) £xx However, at the time I remember asking the broker was it really necessary, and he said that although it said optional, it was a necessity. With all this talk of PPI, would I be able to claim back this money? Its not a great deal, but being as I am unemployed and having some money troubles every penny would help. Thanks, WS
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