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  1. When you say bundle you are referring to the evidence and witness statements? Yes that has been submitted two months ago. Preparation, myself and my partner have been looking over the evidence and making points against it, gone through witness statements and have made points and questions. By presenting the case would you suggest I note the key points of the case and then think about any questions that may be asked regarding this? Very helpful information thankyou again
  2. Hi andyorch Basically cutting long story short we taking an estate agents to court for the return of our £950 bound after we had to move from the property in January as there was a nightclub behind there and was subjected to excessive noise till early morning, the property was misrepresented as they were aware of our specifications and we had also asked the question on the viewing. What im hoping for is to find out the procedures in the small claims court. For example, reading out an opening statement, cross examination etc? Any assitance would be most appreciated Thanks
  3. Hi guys, I have a small claims court hearing next week - can someone explain to me/provide a document that explains the court hearing procedures? I have never been and a lot of the information on the internet can be overwhelming. I want a rough idea what to expect in order to prepare my document and questions etc. Thanks again
  4. Cheers for the replies guys. So the tenancy was for 6 Months, but the tenancy had finished after 2months as the Agents found new tenants. What our stance has been since we moved out and we have tried to explain time after time is the property was misrepresented (and that is what we are challenging the Agents for). We are not happy to pay considering it was the misrepresentation from the Agents part that caused this problem in the first place. @revshelp - can you explain further "You may however benefit from a second home discount if the property is furnished, or an exemption if its unfurnished.", any documentation to read from? Cheers
  5. Hi there, looking for some advice hoping someone can help. Quick summary -We had moved into a property in early January this year. Although we asked our estate agents specifically about the noise level in and around the property they had failed to tell us there was a nightclub directly behind the property. For a whole week we had to endure extremely loud music until the early hours of the morning (Music would start about 11pm and finish at 4, the base from the speakers could be heard throughout the property). After making complaints to our Agents, the Environmental and health department and the Police we got no answers. We were then forced to make a difficult decision whether to move, as the current situation was not acceptable and we both started our new careers and the lack of sleep was causing us great distress. We decided it was best for both our health to move to a different property. We took our leaving letter and keys to the estate agents and explained why we cannot stay no longer. Now we are in dispute with the Agents and it will be going to court. However the problem is with the council, although we had told the council when we departed the property and explained the issue and paid the bill for the time we were there they continue to chase us for council tax "owed" as the Estate agents claim that the tenancy had not finished. After explaining and explaining that we are in dispute and we had only lived there for a week etc they still continue to chase us. Would somebody be able to suggest some advice for us? Many thanks
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