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Everything posted by Debs911

  1. Debs911

    Tax credit fraud!!

    Thanks for getting back to me but could you give me the gist of your letter - I know it's cheeky but I really could do with some help. The cab have told me to come clean and just admit that it's fraud and I really want to but I just don't know how to word the letter
  2. Debs911

    Tax credits

    Hi I received a letter from hmrc yesterday asking if mr xx was living with me as a partner during 2011-12. He was but because he is not my child's father I carried on claiming tcs. I want to admit to what I have done but I do not know how to put a letter together to explain my actions. I could do with some help as I didn't sleep last night and have not eaten a lot today - I am sick with worry
  3. Hi what exactly did you put in your letter as I am in the same Situation as you - I want to admit to fraud and pay the money but am unsure as to what to put in the letter. I have tried ringing them but being informed that all advisors are busy. My situation is that my partner moved in but as he is not my child's father I believed I could carry on claiming as a single parent - any help would be appreciated as I am army wits end
  4. Debs911

    Tax credit fraud!!

    Hi I am in the same situation as worriedtodeath. I have received my letter today and they are looking at 2011-12. My ex has been living with me for the past couple of years, as neither of us can afford to live separately, we are financially dependent of each other and to top it all off he is not even my daughters father. Please could someone advise as to the best thing to do - as you can see I haven't slept at all today and each time I read the letter I feel physically sick. I just don't know what to do for the best - I have already started to look at taking out a loan to be able to pay them off but it I feel like it wi be making a bad situation worse.
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