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miss blue eyes

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  1. lol just got the call back to be told they havent even seen my decision letter yet so couldnt be sure what group i am in ..... so they quessed iv got to fax my decision letter to them to speed things up as they cant do any thing with out seeing the decision letter first .......
  2. hello all well finally the job centre rang me back they are saying that the claim was restarted in august due to a letter being late thats why they havent been backpayed my money to when they where ment to they are looking in to it ... plus they are saying that even tho the dicision letter reads... the appeal is allowed the decision of the secretary of state issued on 15-02-12 is set aside miss ..... has limited capability for work and work related activity the descriptors satisfied in schedule 2 of the esa regulation are (15 points or more ) coping with change ©-6points. getting about © -6 points and social engagement ©-6 pts none od the descriptors in schedulee 3 of the esa regulations is satisfied but regulation 35 applies they can still put me in the WRAG when i was at the tribunal they said i wouldnt have to go to any work related interviews for the next year i am waiting on someone from the decision office to ring me back .... can any one advise me please
  3. yep will be ringing them in the morning and try and sort it out i won at tribunal 2 weeks ago had my first atos in Feb 2012 but started claiming in April 2010 they have done the back dating from November 2010 so not sure why they have done that im sure that the WRAG is a mistake on there part just hoping it all dont take to long to sort out they need to srt the backdated money out and sort what group im in out ... cheers for the luck think i will need it i hate ringing the jobcenter :/
  4. thats what i thought but ...... lol i got a letter of the jobcenter telling me im in the WRAG they they have only backdated to November when i started esa in april 19th now is it me or is that one hell of a 14 week starting stage ?
  5. hello can any one tell me what group i should be based on my dicison letter ? on the dicision notice it says .... the appeal is allowed the decision of the secretary of state issued on 15-02-12 is set aside miss ..... has limited capability for work and work related activity the descriptors satisfied in schedule 2 of the esa regulation are (15 points or more ) coping with change ©-6points. getting about © -6 points and social engagement ©-6 pts none od the descriptors in schedulee 3 of the esa regulations is satisfied but regulation 35 applies
  6. im planning on ringing jobcenter monday as from what iv read on here if regulation 35 applies then i should be in the support group not the wrag group ? is that right
  7. we allso have 3 kids 7,5,1 i fell preg in late april 2010 if that makes a dif
  8. no he is not working as i "had" cancer the figures dose go up and down but only by a few £ i really cant work it out its confused me
  9. on the dicision notice it says the appeal is allowed the decision of the secretary of state issued on 15-02-12 is set aside miss ..... has limited capability for work and work related activity the descriptors satisfied in schedule 2 of the esa regulation are (15 points or more ) coping with change ©-6points. getting about © -6 points and social engagement ©-6 pts none od the descriptors in schedulee 3 of the esa regulations is satisfied but regulation 35 applies
  10. hello all just wondering if someone can help i ( now 25 yrs and my partner29yrs old ) was put on esa back in april 2010 i finally had my atos medical in feb 2012 i failed so went to tribunal and won with 18 points it says i have limited capability for work and work related activity and i was allso told while in the tribunal that i would not have any interviews for the next year so i thought all was good well i got a letter today from the jobcenter it says that from 18 nov 2010 i was placed in the work related activity group ???? it says ... we have decided you have potential for work related activity and must take part in work focused interviews to continue to receive esa allowance in full they have worked out i should get 128 per week and its due from nov 10 ?iv been placed in the work related activity group...... living expenses for you and your partneer..... £102.75 .......limited capability for work addition ......extra money becos you are in the work related activity group £25.95........... which gives you a total income of £128.70 can any one help im lost iv been on £200 every 2 weeks since april 2010 so what happened to the extra money from april 2010 to nov 2010 . what group am i in . and is that money right for a couple please some one help
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