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  1. ok ty rebell11 and i will let you know if it's resolved
  2. Hi I was recently made unemployed at the end of May. My wife is still working 33 hours a week and we still have 2 children, 18 and 15, living at home, both are in full time education. I was advised to claim for tax credits but on looking through the application it only makes provision for earnings in 2011/12 ( when we were both working) but i can't see anywhere where i can record earnings for this year? It's kinda concerning me cos having checked the tax credit estimator using last years figures we are not eligible for tax credits but using this years figures we are?? If i'm missing something and the estimate is right then i will stand corrected cos i inly want whatever i am entitled too, but it does seem a bit odd that they base the outcome on last years figures. If anyone could shed any light on this or offer some advice it would be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance
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