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Everything posted by Perrytheplatypus

  1. Right, the claim form is for Northampton court. On the lefft hand side we have: Claimant: WELCOME FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD KINGSTON HOUSE CENTRE 27 BUSINESS PARK WOODHEAD ROAD BIRSTALL BATLEY FW17 9TD Address for sending documents and payments (if different) HEGARTY LLP 48 BROADWAY PETERBOROUGH PE1 1YW 08715 999999 ****/********** Defendant MY DETAILS Particulars of Claim The claimant claims for sums due under a/various Credit Agreement(s) related only to money regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 entered into between the claimant and the defendant. The agreement(s) was/were terminated upon the Defendant failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement(s). The claimant complied with section III and IV and Annex B of the PD Pre-Action Conduct. And the Claimant Claims: Hire Purchase Account Number ******* balance of ***** as of 28/11/07. Interest under s69 of the County Court Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from 28/11/07 to 6/6/12 of ****** and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgement or earlier payment at a daily rate of £2.23 AND costs.
  2. Thanks for that info squaddie. It was IND that contacted me a couple of weeks back, quickly followed by the court papers. The court papers name Welcome as the claimant, but all papers etc are to be sent to another company, not welcome or IND, this company are named in the claimant signature box at the bottom. I'll go and get the papers and check the company.
  3. They would able to look and see that the car had been off the road for all of that time wouldn't they? I had no intention of using the car.
  4. How do I go about filling out the court forms do you know? I'm panicking here :/
  5. Hi Andy, thanks for replying. I last made a payment November 2007, when I told them to collect the car, I sorned the car at the same time in anticipation of them collecting it. They didn't and it was the last I heard from them until recently.
  6. Hi all, I' new here but I was wondering if anyone could help me with an old welcome finance debt? In november 2007 due to being made redundant I missed a payment to welcome finance. The loan was for a car and who we spoke to on the phone said I needed to make payments or they would take the car. I struggled but was unable to keep up with the payments and told them on several occasions, both over the phone and in writing that due to financial hardship they would have to take the car. I didn't hear from them again and the car has been sat in a garage for the last 5 years as I didn't know if they'd come and take it at any time, so we bought a cheapie run around and sorned the WF car. Three weeks ago, after our car blew up beyond repair and not having enough funds to buy a replacement car I taxed and tested the stood up car, as I need to get to and from work, have kids that need running around etc. Last week I recieved a letter from IND: Dear Mr XXXXXXX Welcome Financial Services Ltd Account Number XXXXXXXXXX outstanding balance of £XXXXX Please find attached a statement of your account with Welcome Financial Services Ltd. This amount is now seriously overdue and you should pay the amount immediately. Call us immediately to settle the account. Yours faithfully (illegible squiggle) IND LTD On the back of this letter is headed Account Statement with the original creditor, reference number (different to the one on the other side?) Default date and outstanding amount. Another sheet of paper was included with this one: LAST LETTER BEFORE LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. Welcome Financial Services has appointed IND Ltd to collect the full outstanding balance owed by you relating to the account(s) detailed above. To discharge the outstanding balance, you should make a payment of £XXX direct to IND Ltd now. You should not make any payment to Welcome Financial Services Ltd, as it will take significantly longer to process any such payment. It then tells me I can call and pay over the phone, send them a cheque etc In the event that £XXXX is not recieved by us in cleared funds by 04/06/2012 legal proceedings to recover the amount due will be commenced against you without further notice. It then outlines they'll also be recovering court costs, solicitors fees, interest etc. It goes on to say that I've been sent a series of letters and this is the last one they'll be sending-they haven't. Why is this company dealing with it and not welcome? This morning the postie brought me court papers for Northampton county court. It's got Welcome listed as the claimant, not IND, and another company listed to send documents and payments? The company listed to send documents etc to is also the name printed as the claimant at the bottom. I don't know what to do, can anyone help please?
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