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  1. Hi, I'm new to the forums here, I was wondering if I could request some advice. I will try to be as concise as possible. I'm a private fixed term tenant in Northern Ireland, the sole rent paying tenant 4 months into a 12 month agreement. For the last few weeks my younger bother has been staying at the apartment as I have a spare room. I noticed a few days ago a damp patch on a wall in the living room which backs onto a shower cubical. Upon inspection I noticed that the grouting was missing/cracked in places, and one tile had begun to crack. I reported this to the landlords agent who in turn reported to him. I then received multiple calls from the agents requesting access in my absence. I did not wish to grant access to the apartment unsupervised but the agents stated that the landlord was insisting. A short time later, I was contacted and told that I would be liable to pay for repairs of £70-80 + an unspecified amount to repaint. I took an evening to consider this, then contacted the agent, stating that I did not feel I was liable and to try to arrange a meeting with the landlord to discuss the issue. A few minutes later I received a somewhat aggressive call from the landlord demanding that I leave the property as I had "destroyed the apartment" and that he would not discuss the matter with me in person as we would "fall out". He is claiming that my questioning my liability and the fact that my brother has been staying in the apartment constitutes breach of contract and that I shall be evicted for it. I was given a verbal 1 month period to vacate the premises. I'm very uncertain as to how I may or can proceed from here. I would be very grateful for any advise. Thanks.
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