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Catalin Vlase

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  1. I received a letter from the DVLA with the following content: Date: 28/02/2012 Our records show that on the above mentioned date you were convicted of a driving offence but either did you not produce your driving licence or only produced part of your driving licence to the court. The number of valid penalty points currently shown on your driver record mean that your driving licence will be withdrawn under the provisions of the Road Traffic (New Drivers) Act 1995, with effect from the fifth day after the date of this letter. You must send us your driving licence (both the photocard and paper counterpart if you have a photocard licence), with the reply slip in the enclosed envelope. You should note that the revoked licence no longer covers you to drive You are entitled to obtain a provisional licence if you wish to continue driving, but you will be required to comply with the "learner" conditions attaching to that licence until you pass another driving test (theory and practical). to recover all previously held full entitlements the retest must be for one of the categories held prior to the revocation. A test for a category not previously held will result in a full licence for that category only. On the 29th Feb 2012 I was stopped by the Road Traffic Police and checked my Insurance, Mot, Licence and said everything is fine. On the 2nd March 2012 I was stopped again by the police and checked my details on their computer and told me that I am not entitled to drive and that their records shows that I driving without a licence. The police then seized my car. I explained to them that I have a letter from the DVLA stating CLEARLY that the licence is revoked after five days of issuing the above letter "driving licence will be withdrawn under the provisions of the Road Traffic (New Drivers) Act 1995, with effect from the fifth day after the date of this letter". The police asked to present the evidence of this letter to the police station as soon as possible. On the same day my car was seized, I went to the police station with the DVLA letter and the clerk at the police station confirmed that the letter is correct and took a copy and apologized for the mistake but said that the application was processed and there is litter they can do. Now my car is the lockup park. I was not able to retrieve my car as they claim there is "no policy cover that allows me to retrieve the seized car by police" although I was with another qualified with fully comprehensive insurance cover driver. Summary I am clearly within my legal rights to drive the car within the duration stated in the DVLA letter: DVLA letter issued on 28 Feb 2012 Driving Licence to be withdrawn with effect from the fifth day after the date of this letter. 3 March 2012 Car was seized on 2nd March 2012 It is crystal clear that my car was seized illegally by the police and I am here looking for professional advice on the matter as the police is taking the case to court. Thanks for your interest
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