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  1. I have just been reading up on the OFT, these Bandits need to be careful!
  2. Thats rubbish as when you have completed your loan details your directed to FLM, then they harrass you by texting and e-mailing you saying I can give you £x sign the agreement, then you need a gurantor, they also say they will give the money to someone else if I do not sign. So do not quote your nothing to do with them as your, yes your site directs you to them. Whilst on, why is it I apply for £x then you say the min you can lend is £100 more than I applied for, I go through application and are put in touch with FLM who offer my original amount! So I close down the FLM site and then receive a text from you offering me £1500 more than my original application. Bandits!!
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