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Everything posted by spanners89

  1. Well they told me that because i supplied them with the measurements they are not at fault but i will be able to get this sorted. The manager was not in so the sales rep told me that she was going to pass the message on so we can get it sorted under what sort of price and all the other finer details. But she did tell me it would take 5 weeks for the new sofa to come so im not sure if i wont have a sofa for that period
  2. Does seem that i will take some financial loss in this but not the full price which is quite gutting but they said they will resolve it which is a huge relief!
  3. I know its a bit of a silly question but do you think they will reply by the close of business today?
  4. btw thanks alot for your help people id be in a very bad situation if i didnt have your advice!
  5. Doesnt allow me to access youtube. Gutted! Ive sent it now it wont really matter will it? I just need to get an answer today
  6. Im doing it off my work email which is caled lotus notes i dunno how to do that :s
  7. what attach the paperwork? i dont have it to hand but i need to resolve it today
  8. Should i email there complaints team or the head office? im soo confused guess i live by my name
  9. Good Afternoon, I recieved a delivery of a corner sofa and a swivel chair from yourselves yesterday evening. When enquiring on the size of the sofa to the sales rep they gave me the impression that the side the corner sofa would be fine with the room dimensions after recieving the goods it transpires that the advice i was given was not correct and has completly ruined the design of the room. I am severely distraught as is the other half because we are due to move in today and cant because how the corner sofa is situated in the front room, we cannot move around at all. All i am requesting is that we can have the corner the other way around, if we can have this done it would be greatly appreciated and would save the room for it is not liveable because of the size. Please let me know what my options are it is quite urgent that i get this resolved for i will be paying for a house that i can not live in because of someone elses judgment. Kind Regards How does this look? I know im shouldering the blame on someone else but this may be the only thing i can go by.... What does everyone think?
  10. Also im not very good with this sort of thing im usually the too nice sort of person who backs down how should i word this because its really my fault.
  11. Also said they wont take a return or swap. So low atm just got a new house n this seems like its gonna be a relationship breaker just been problem after problem at this place!
  12. Thank you! I said to them that it was wrong and they told me to sleep on it im losing my mind here ! Is there anything i can do ?
  13. Hi thanks new to this site so not really sure how to use this! Its a nightmare to find my posts lol Yes the retailers are dfs i know it was my fault in choosing but the thing is the sofa would be bareable if the corner was the other way round is there no way of changing this when a diagram was already drawn on the paper work? I didnt measure the room to see if it was a match deff in the dog house with the mrs need some sort of way to be able to change this!
  14. Nah it fit into the house and is in the living room but the thing is just way to big for the living room is there anyway I can return it? It was bout in thee shop
  15. Hi I just had a sofa delivered today and as it afterthe delivery men cam I realised the sofa was too big is there any way I can do a sofa swap or return it I'm stuck the girlfriend is in tears.so embarresing what should I do?! Sorry for the opoor grammar this thread was done on my mobile....
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