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  1. it has been a few months and still fighting to get my money back from Rundles. i sent a letter to appeal against their charges and they sent a letter back saying the levy is under investigation with the DVLA. They sent a letter back saying that it was negative and the charges have been removed and it is now paid in full. I asked when they were going to pay back the levy charges we paid to them and additional charges. Their response on the phone was the account was paid in full and charges have been removed????? So they don't owe use anything.... What the hell does that mean. ... I already paid these charges and now i want my money back because I paid for them. They said we have to send a letter to tell them we aren't happy????? I have already sent a letter to appeal against the charges... . Their response was in my favour. it's like they found in our favour digitally and the case is closed. Can someone please give me advice. I have already contact the council they sent a letter finding in the bailiffs favour, this was before the dvla search came back negative.
  2. Thanks for replies Ladies and Gents, greatly appreciated! Hmmm, so by the sounds of it the council will agree with the bailiffs and the only way for me to try and get the money back is by complaining to someone like a financial ombudsman e.t.c Yes, she is in credit with the council and as I said was cleared of most of the debt she was given the liability order by. I will check that other thread out. I am getting the feeling this is going to get complicated. But I will write to the council again and mention that they cleared me of the debt they are double charging me for?
  3. The Bailiffs have replied and said they can charge me twice for two different liability order on the same day, they are saying that Lewisham council has said it's legal for them to do that? Is there any law to back this up????? Just as you said, that idiot bailiff picked a random car and put a levy on a random car, lucky enough in the appeal letter I explain my mother doesn't have a car, nor driving licence. They say they are doing a dvla search. It looks like they are doing everything thing in their power to pay as little back! The council sent a reductions letter giving my mother an exemption on council tax from Oct 2005 and onwards.... Does this mean the liability order taken out in 2006/2007 is now invalid and could use that to claim back any charges on the second liability dated 2006/2007 order, the bailiffs are are trying to put excessive charges on? I have put an attachment of first the Council tax appeal reduction letter and The Bailiff reply to my appeal letter. Totally clueless. Once again, thanks in advance!
  4. Ok, latest news. Some good news, from the original bill after being threatened with the valuation tribunal, the council looked again at it. They reduced the bill because of evidence that my mother wasn't living there in 2006 and also applied the single persons discount. They refunded back £278. The bad news is, the bailiffs haven't responded back to the appeal for the excessive charges, which was sent on 28th December. The question is what do I do now that the bailiffs haven't replied back with a refund? One of the liability order which they originally said was for 2009, applies to 2006-2007, even though it was only for a £27.50, the bailiff charges were £ 177, according to the council she has been cleared for owing anything on this debt. Does the new information change anything with the bailiff? On the other liability order for £488, they did reduction, so I guess bailiff charges still stand but was still over charged grossly. If anyone has been following this thread, thank for for your help. I am going to keep fight for my mother, but I still need your help and I am whole heartedly grateful!
  5. Hi, I am back so it has been like 8 days since I have sent a letter both to council and bailiffs asking for a refund.... But no response. I don't know what to do now. Do I wait a couple more days because it's still good as Christmas period?
  6. I have asked the council in several emails and letters for the original bills and liability orders. I am quite at a loss as to what to do, as they keep ignoring all letters. I don't know if the new letter, which isn't an enquiry but appeal will make a difference. Any advice in to forcing them to handing over the information?
  7. Hi guys, Me again. Okay, been copy and pasting!! Below is a letter, I want to send for refund charges. I would just like you to tell me if the information, I have put in the letter is correct to get a refund back. This letter deals with two liability orders, which you can see on the attachments. Once again, truly grateful for you help. At the time she just came back into London, was on Jsa and thought the council were paying the CT, After three months she moved out to another borough were she had got a Job. Even tho she informed the owner that she was moving out a month before (place was full of mice) I think the council held her liable for the other 3 months of the 6 month contract, even though she was paying council tax at new property. But still puzzled to why the is a liability order in 2009 for same property nearly 4 years after. And yes I agree, it is very odd after all these years they send her these bills. I tried to ask them about it,and they just referred me to a bailiff. The appeal just started, that's if they will even reply, cause none of my 5 emails + letter had a response.
  8. Okay, thanks, so I should claim for that double charging.... About the levy is there any legislation I can use to back me up. I take it. I can claim a refund on a basis, they didn't enter the home / they didn't levy good outside ( car). And on the charges since they were both on the same date, shouldn't be charged twice. What if they say they have someone visit for the two different accounts, at different times on same day? Is there is any legislation I can quote or get a template letter, that would be great. Once I have emailed the bailiffs a letter for a refund. Who can I appeal too if they refuse? Can I report them to anyone for lying/ committing fraud?
  9. First of all, thanks guys. My mother is in her early 60's but been sick for like 2 years but I don't think they would call her vulnerable. So i won't use that as defense. At the time she was living alone, and I don't know if it was appiled ( single person discount) but I don't think, I tried and tried for the council to answer a list of questions but the kept referring me to the Bailiffs. So I made an appeal last week if they don't replie I am going to report them to the valuations tribunal. And the bailiff never came inside the flat or moved any goods. It a building of flats then u need a fob to get in, so all he did was buzz. My mother doesn't drive
  10. Sorry for going quiet, I could only make it to my mother places this weekend to scan the letter showing break down of charges ( got it today, quick ). If charges were a pound or two above was rounding them up. Funny on the £27.50 order, he visited 3 times but never with a van, my mother sits by her window during the day ( something old people do I guess, bless her) so she see's what's going on. Even tho, he came with a van apparently to empty the house, for £27.50? ok, it has blocked me from posting the pdf until i have 5 more posts!
  11. Oh well my brother who made my mother pay the £208 that was increased from £27 just made her pay the other bill that was originally £488 and now is £575. I think it was done through the council phone line. So in total that is now £783. My brother has good as blocked me from trying to help her. I have sent the email to the council asking them for that information, on how much was owing e.t.c The break down of charges hasn't been done will be
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