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  1. Hi, I am sure it used to be the case that you could have the car serviced using a non main dealer as long as correct parts/materials etc, however they changed it because they say it has an impact on the residual value of the car, i.e. it has a higher value if serviced at Mercedes dealers. So if in your contract I think you might struggle with that one, sorry.
  2. Just to say in the end I followed Andy Merc's advice and I would recommend anyone else going through this process do the same. You can have a sensible conversation with de-fleet, I did anyway. I got all 3 alloy wheels and the load cover replacement removed and the front bumper, dent, lacquer peel and the key reduced by 50%. So in the end I paid £535 which is still tough, but it was £1400!!! They did say to me the whole process was under review so I guess they have had a lot of complaints. New merc now...on delivery 2 alloys had manufacturing faults in the finish, I thought after all this I should get them resolved and they replaced one and fixed the other. However their driver smacked the car into something bringing the car back and the front spoiler/bumper is wrecked. They will repair but I think somebody is trying to tell me something.... Anyway thanks for the help.
  3. Thanks Andy, will do and will post results in due course.
  4. Does anybody know how long it takes them to generate the invoice. My car was collected 31/05, I followed this with a pre-emptive special delivery letter to MBFS (which they would have had on 01/06) saying that I would contest the majority of the charges, had no reply to this as yet. BCA also sent me an email (06/06) saying what the invoice would be when it came, I sent an email reply contesting this also, to which I have also had no reply. Waiting now full of dread....could folks let me know how long it took to get theirs please? It really is disgusting and after all this time rebuilding their brand they ruin all the goodwill with this nonsense at the end. My charges were a real rip off. As I said no invoice yet, but BCA email said amongst other things, £260 for a parcel shelf, despite the inspector putting that only the little grey pastic clips were marked!! and £194 for a key that didnt start the car, even though the car went back 3 months early and still under warranty!
  5. I know unbelievable...how did you manage to get it reduced in the end, going to need all the help I can get.
  6. Same here, BCA just collected my 3 year old clc today. I too was subject to a CSI style investigation for an hour plus. Went back 3 months early (£812) with manufactures warranty still in place.I am horrified took me completely by suprise, never had any issues returning lease cars before. Unfortunately I have signed on the dotted line for another merc, big mistake. You would think given that mb have spent years repairing the reputation of poor quality cars and horrible dealers they would be keen to not to tarnish the brand again by putting this horrendous process at the end of ownership. I had some incredible things, 3 alloys (£55 each) 2 had tiny marks I had touched up, one I had repaired by a wheel guy, not well enough apprantley. Get this, spare key I have never used (£194) , it opened and closed the car, but wouldnt start it, therfore new key required. Dent I never even saw (£70), some flaking laquer rear bumper (£70) never been repaired, parcel shelf grey clips damaged,new shelf !! but the worst of all - replacement front bumper, I just couldnt believe this, there are scrapes underneath the front bumper and a small piece of plastic missing, unavoidable with a clc in 3 years, its so low at the front. Question mark because non franchised service. Plus other bits, I am seriously dreading the invoice...... Honestly the car was mint imo, for a 3 year old car, if you went to view it to buy you would be delighted. Some great info on here, I am going to fight this big time.
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