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Everything posted by estellyn

  1. If the partner is paying bills at his own address, plus mortgage and his post goes there and relevant stuff is registered there and no joint finances, then proving living together is going to be almost impossible - unless they have recordings of partner going there and staying overnight every day. Someone with a bee in their bonnet might make a living together decision and stop benefit, but it is highly challengeable if the aforementioned circumstances exist, though that's not terribly comforting while benefits are stopped. You have the option of providing your outgoings (utility bills, mortgage, sky tv etc) in advance of a decision and challenge the guy on his 'advice', possibly request to speak to his supervisor.
  2. There are now two parts to the compliance section, one checks on claims where there has been an allegation made, but there is no evidence for fraud - they have to do a check anyway. If they suspected fraud it would be a taped interview under caution. The second part is where random claims are selected by computer in order to check on accuracy rates of processors, in addition claims where there has already been an error may be rechecked to be sure that there was nothing else missed. Please don't try to worry and scare someone who is in poor health with anxiety issues!
  3. When was he found fit for work by ATOS? does he have any other health issues which he didn't mention in the previous claim?
  4. I totally agree with you. It sets a terrible precedent to be executing people in this way. We have no death penalty - or are we now saying 'except', and if we are, then 'except' who? Terrorists? Who else? Are we only doing it off British soil, if so we're not far away from setting up an offshore base to implement things that are unacceptable on our shores. Sound familiar?
  5. Most compliance interviews are just to check on the accuracy of the claim processing depts - it's how they get their internal error rates. If something was missed before then your claim may have been referred to check there wasn't anything else missed. If it was about fraud it would be an interview under caution - a compliance interview is a totally different and benign thing.
  6. You just need to get your gp or cpn to confirm. No it's not a descriptor but an exceptional circumstances rule. This may explain it more: http://www.rethink.org/living-with-mental-illness/money-issues-benefits-employment/work-capability-assessment/what-next
  7. There can be a fine line with humour, but as has already been said, are you laughing with people or at people? Are the jokes mean or unkind? Would you tell the joke to a stranger who was part of the group who are the subject of the joke? I always feel that if I wouldn't tell a joke in front of a member of the group the joke is about, then I don't tell the joke at all, but that's me.
  8. The problem is that he believes that contacting creditors will start them harassing him again - I explained they can get his current address from the electoral roll if they wanted it anyway. He seems to be going back to burying his head in the sand, he was worried about the mortgage debt, but now he thinks it's gone he feels he can keep ignoring the rest. ....sigh... ..not sure what to do with him
  9. Germany has a declining population and low birthrate, they need people to come and work, settle and have babies.
  10. https://www.sense.org.uk/content/esa-descriptors-determine-whether-you-have-limited-capability-work You're looking at the second part - the mental health descriptors. Activity 15 would be the one that would apply to you getting about, and 16 and 17 may also be particularly relevant. Also would work or work related activity significantly worsen or harm your physical or mental health - if so in what way.
  11. No it won't affect the HB. If the tenant gets dla/aa/care pip then that would make a difference.
  12. I think he said he last paid cap one in 2010 - this seems to be when his finances fell over. The welcome finance secured loan is showing, just the original northern rock mortgage which is showing as satisfied, £0 balance and account closed - obviously this still being owed would prevent a dro.
  13. Hi Guys. Cousin has now received info from the court the debt is from Capital One, for £836.29 + £17.23 interest, though the claim is for £1018 which I assume also includes fees, CCJ dated 12/06/13 Capital One did have his address, but he says he never received anything about the CCJ despite still living there. He's opened up about his other debts and it turns out in total he has just over £15k registered on his credit files. I'm trying to encourage him to get a DRO once the £15k limit goes up, but have a couple of questions: He says that he has a debt with energy company of around £1000 for several addresses ago, but this doesn't appear on any credit file (checked them all) - he wants to know does he include this on DRO? I said yes, it's a debt, but in case I'm wrong... One potential spanner in the works - he had his house repossessed in 2010 (he told us he sold it) and has showed me the letters saying following the sale he owed just under £40k plus a £10k debt from welcome finance for a secured loan. Now the welcome finance debt shows on the credit file, but the mortgage debt says account closed and £0 balance on two credit files and doesn't even appear on experian - does this mean it's written off? Debt isn't my area, so I don't know a lot about credit files. I'm trying to advise him the best I can and would appreciate any advice from those (unlike me) who know what they're talking about when it comes to debt issues.
  14. I agree. The point is trying to find something that does work and not just sticking with something with not so nice side effects. I was just pointing out a med that docs wouldn't normally suggest due to cost, as an option if others have been tried and failed.
  15. I take duloxetine and have had no problems with it - non sedating, helps with nerve pain, helps with anxiety as well as depression, but is pricey so docs don't like to prescribe it. If mirtazapine isn't working for you after a few months then ask to be changed to something else.
  16. If £70 a week is just towards the arrears, then this is excessive - did she have any advice at the court or before to put forward her income and expenditure - £70 a week is unsustainable on her income.
  17. If you get the letter saying you haven't scored enough points, the DWP will already have closed your ESA claim, so you can claim UC immediately - yes for income income and housing. Yes, inform the council your esa claim has ended and you have claimed UC and make a nil income declaration while the UC is being assessed. The basic allowance for over 25's is 317.82 a month. roughly 73.10 x 52 / 12 Council tax reduction is is applied for to the council, and payment arrangements would be the same. What do you mean by UC being backdated? It's paid in arrears so your first payment will be for a month - those are not horror stories, it's how UC is paid. Yes you can apply for a benefit advance if you need to. Yes you still get health costs as part of UC for now.
  18. Get a written decision on the college course - insist - then you can challenge the decision. You may also find that insisting on a written decision makes them rethink their position.
  19. No they would take what your income is each month as your income isn't appropriate for averaging.
  20. And the eyes, hair, mouth, face shape, ears....
  21. absolutely! Not to mention the fact that the toy looks nothing like her and causes her no damage unless she chokes on it.
  22. Just proves that fox news staff can be just as nutty about things other than facts, politics and human rights.
  23. This is a country with a real refugee problem: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/20/amnesty-report-desperate-plight-syrian-refugees-turkey The rest of the EU needs to get together and sort it out!
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