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  1. Yes, I asked for the order to be suspended and told them about change in circumstances that would enable me to keep up payments going forward but in all honesty, with that I can only realistically manage the next three months as my income is very uncertain (though I didn't mention that). If the judge had granted that I know I'd be back to square one in a few months time. The judge heard my plea, looked at the arrears balance, looked at my history and stated it would be in everyone's best interest if I'm allowed time to sell the property, pay off the mortgage and get out of debt. I see it as a fresh start because I took this mortgage when I shouldn't have and it's haunted me since then. Thanks again all for your advice.
  2. Thanks everyone, I had the hearing today and eventually resolved to requesting time to sell the property. I'm happy with that, but I have three months to sell!! Or at least exchange contracts...
  3. Thank you, I'm on my way to court now, and on the form I explained that I had lost my job, I have a new one, I completed an income and expenditure form, gave details of the age of the children and pleaded mercy on their benefit. I also made Maya's mortgage payment and made that clear on the form. I hope it's ok. I'll pop into the council office as it's not far from the court.
  4. Hello, I'm new to this forum, I have an eviction date for the 30th of May! My lender holds an outright possession order which they obtained in 2008. I agreed terms with them at that time and the order was suspended. I continued to pay the mortgage but from time to time slipped into arrears again, but also managed to agree terms with the lender and carry on with my payments. In February 2011 my lender served me with yet another eviction notice but I filed an N244 to ask the judge to allow me and children to stay. This was agreed and a suspended possession order granted (and the original order varied on the basis that I make the mortgage payment and pay £100 towards the arrears). I kept up with this payment until December 2011 and have since fallen back into arrears again. My lender has now sought to enforce the original order granted in 2008 and we have an eviction date of the 30th. I feel I have no defence as I have not kept to the terms of the suspended order and I don't know what to do now to stop the eviction. In desperation last week I contacted a charity called Homeowners Rescue Advice Centre who assured me that they would be able to help. After delaying the case, I finally pinned them down today only to be told that they couldn't deal with the case and was referring it to a fee paying company that they normally use called Homeowner Management Service. These people called me and confidently told me that they could take my case on and with their success rate I will be able to stop the eviction. What they said they would do is to write a letter to the judge and based on that alone the judge would be sympathetic to my plea, for this they wanted an upfront fee of £650. Ofcourse at this point alarm bells started ringing and I decided not to go ahead with them... so here I am now back to square one but with less time than I started off with and I still have no idea of what to include on my N244 form that I have to submit to the court by 10.00am in the morning. Can anyone please help????
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