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  1. Thank you both of you - didn't get through today either so will keep trying next week. Also thanks for the advice about making a complaint.
  2. On May 23rd made telephone claim for ESA May 25th recieved "customer statement" to check over - phoned them was told to obtain and send in a "sick note". May 31st - had appointment with GP got sicknote (backdated to may 23rd) sent it in the DWP First Class Envelope. Since then I've heard nothing have tried phoning but can never get through The thing is my first sick-note would have already ran out I think on June 27th - even though I have had no payment whatsoever and not even a letter stating their decision - should I obtain another sicknote (now backdated to June 27th) and pop it in the post to them? If they never even recieved my first sicknote would they have wrote and asked me where it was? Just wondering if maybe it got lost in the post - in a real tizz here I suffer from depression, Anxiety and Panic Disorder, so extra stress is not helping. Also have I cpunted right and it has been six weeks since may 31st or have i gone totally loopy and it is in-fact longer?
  3. I just hope Cameron does not get back in after the next general election. Befor you know it he'll be bringing back The Work House, he isn't keen on people who are hard-up, he is a disgrace I feel sorry for any of our under 25's after 2015 if he stays as PM.
  4. Hi On May 23rd I made a Telephone Claim for Employment and Support Allowance. On May 25th I recieved the "Statement" to read through, I contacted them and they told me I needed to send a Sick Note - I could not obtain this until May 31st, due to unforseen problems getting an appointment with my GP. I sent my Sick-Note and a Covering Letter explaining that I can not go out on my own and I cannot even be in the house on my own I also told them what medication I was on for my Depression and Anxiety/Panic Disorder. I sent that through the post on May 31st. I realise things take a while to get to them and the long Jubilee Weekend would not have helped matters but it is now 39 Days since I first made my claim and 30 Days since I sent the sicknote and letter and I have still heard nothing from them whatsoever. Could it be they have turned me down straight off and have just not bothered telling me? I know for a fact that they have not paid me as I check my account regularly and nothing is going in. This is a BRAND NEW ESA Claim by the way. Anyone had the same experience, can it take so long to assess a brand new claim before they give a decision either way??
  5. Hello This may be a bit long so bear with me though I will try and be as brief as possible. Okay now way back in 2003 I was diagnosed as being Agorophobic,Depressed and having Panic/Anxiety Disorder. At the time I was put onto Income Support that was topped up with a disability premium. Between 2003 and 2009 I underwent three Atos Medicals at various intervals. On the very last Atos medical I was failed as when the doctor asked me if Could go out - I told him Yes BUT ONLY if I have somebody with me and I also told him I cannot use public transport cannot be any more than 20 mins away from home and cannot stay at home alone. At the appeal stage I discovered the doctor ignored me completely and simply wrote that I could go out! So I was failed and their Decision was upheld. From 2009 (March) up until 2010 I was literally living on nothing at all I did not have a single penny that was mine - I have always live at home with my Mum but she has problems and is in no position to give me money - I literally have no friends never have done (due to bullying whilst at school). Anyway in September 2010 out of sheer desperation I signed on and was on JSA for about one month before I realised I could not possibly force myself into a workplace (I even had to take my Mum with me when I signed on!) So I signed off. In April 2011 my Grandad died very suddenly,so my Gran asked me to be her Official Carer - she only lived across the road and my Mum was always with me anyway even just to go acroos the street - so I agreed and was put onto Carers Allowance. However, my Grandmother is not a nice person she is always shouting and screaming at me and threatning me. I've stuck it out for a year but I cannot take it anymore and so on the 23rd of May I made a claim for ESA - I know I cannot work what sort of employer would allow me to take my Mum with me for the whole of the workday and allow me to rush home when the panic and stress takes hold and I'm in tears due to being so depressed and low and unable to cope with demands? None I would imagine. I'm on Anti-Depressants and today I have to see my GP to try and get a medical certificate for my claim (today was first appointment I could get). Will they be very likely to turn my claim down despite all the problems I have? Will my Gp even give me a sick note? I'm so scared and I don't know where to turn or what to do - any advice? Please - thank you.
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