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Everything posted by cmguk22

  1. I am very pleased to say that after following the advice the Council have accepted the appeal and cancelled the Penalty Charge Notice..
  2. I drove north up the A22 (Godstone Road), I then turning a hard right I drove up Downscourt Road. I can see from the Croydon web page that purley is one big Permit Zone, but I have retraced my route to the point I entered the parking zone and a few hundres yards past this point and there are NO signs. I was visiting a friend who lives there, and she confirmed that they do not need permits, she has lived there for the past 3 years.
  3. Your correct, behind my car was unrestricted bay parking, and the yellow line is approx 11-12m long....
  4. I have just retraced my route and I can confirm there is NO other signage and by the lack of lampposts / poles etc there does not look to have ever been any. Which begs the question; how many other people have had tickets for the same..
  5. Hi sailor sam, thanks for your reply. Your 100% correct, I did enter the CPZ from the other direction, and I did not pass any another sign.
  6. Hello Everyone I would be grateful for and advice or a bit of guidance on how to best handle the following; I have been issued a Parking ticket under the contravention; (01) Parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. Band B. A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are photos; http://s590.photobucket.com/albums/ss345/cmguk22/Parking%20Ticket/ As you can see my front wheel was parked over a single yellow line (which incidentally does not have a T-bar at either end). The single yellow extends about 10m where it ended and there is an 'End of controlled parking zone' sign. On the reverse of the sign (thus I could not see this) is an 'Entrance to controlled parking zone' sign. However what is bugging me is that there are NO other signs, thus there is no indication where the zone starts/finishes. What is also bugging me is that there is no T-Bar at the end of the yellow line Do I have a leg to stand on?
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