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Indigo Child

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  1. I should have added... To those who believe they are acting honourably and in the public interest when they report untaxed cars then think again. Please re-direct your frustrations and hang-ups toward things that affect you directly. If someone is not causeing you loss or harm then keep the mouth shut. We are heading very quickly inot a police state where we police ourselves - the irony is absolute! The road tax licence is NOT affected by those who don't pay. This is the same with insurance. Government spending is dictated by what the government can borrow, at interest, from the Bank of Engalnd (the privately owned printing press). It is borrowed upon the assumption of the level of taxes the government thinks it can impose without revolution, plus the amount of fines it can serve upon the easy targets like motorists. The interest is paid through income tax raises, since corporate taxes are now often dodged by the rich with clever lawyers who know about the Freeman/Common Law concept.
  2. For those interested, and those who may find this the only info about how to deal with the DVLA and parking a car on puiblic road when SORNed I have something that may help. My case has been dropped. I did NOT sign the statement the DVLA sent me. There is no legislation that says I have too, but there is legislation that says a magistrate needs a signed confession in court! I did NOT admit any guilt and repeatedly stated this in a supporting document (sent along with the Statement Form the DVKLA sent me). From my research, it is a definate to me at least that the law is corrupted and in dishonour. The Finance Act 2008 states in its intro that is effective to solely alleviate the UK debt. In essence, we are slaves and debtors, and our admissions of guilt and fines are used as collateral to yet more loans taken out by our corrupt government, paid back at interest to the even more corrupt central banking system (private bankers). Read the legislation carefully, understand you are being asked to condemn yourselves. Know what you don;t need to do, and don;t do it. The DVLA are in the business of threatening, often innocent and bewildered, citizens with the threat of court action. Even if you know you are not guilty the threat will still come from these immoral and unlawful fictions. If you pay, they win. If you threaten them, they back down. Cowardly Nazis! There was a few more things I did in the reply that pertains to freemen-on-the-Land but since not many people here seem to think that the law is an ass, I shan't reveal the coup de grace. But it is obvious - just know the legisaltion and lie iof you have to - that's what the DVLA do and what our entire legal system is based upon - one BIG FAT DECEPTION.
  3. Looked at that thread and left my comment if you're interested.
  4. Sorry, Ive just been advised to take a look at this thread regarding "Freeman Rubbish". I am a supporter of the Freeman concept and do agree that many maybe taking the **** in getting out of their social responsibilities. However, I know many trying to investigate the "Freeman" idea who are very law abiding people - like myself. So far I see nothing in this thread that makes me learn about why freemen are wrong and deluded etc. I'm happy to see they are, but so far I think there is something in this and shuldn't we debate it properly rather than just generally accuse Freeman without pointing out examples or where they are wrong. I for sure want to learn rather than dictated to by people who think the law is the law and should never be questioned. That is being a mug and irresponsible in my opinion and eventually leads to totalitarianism and loss of freedoms. Anyone care to give specifics why the Freeman concept of Legal Fiction is either stupid or not fraudulent? Anyone care to give specifics why the Freeman concept of obligations "only" to common law is wrong? Anyone enlighten me on the definition of Society. Is it Law Society or a collection of people under rule of government? Should government's rule? Aren't they our servants - we rule? Why and how do "We" rule, the common man, the Freeman? Who gave the consent for me to be governed by a Statute and fined if I break its rules? Where is the contract that binds me and obliges me to play by the rules of any Statute? Please respond honourably, because I am very open to debate but do not like closed minds who cannot think.
  5. Cheers, I shall look at the thread with interest. Obviously, a large element of freemen do it for sellfish reasons, but others do it on principal, especially when one learns that taxes and fines into consolidated funds may go towards further illegal wars or other agendas to which a citizen may religiously or morally object. I for one do not claim to be a freeman but find the subject interesting. My predicament is nothing to do with being a Freeman, but an honest action brought about by my poor finances and broken car! I have another car that I drove around in and so does my partner, so I was never out to dupe any responsiblities to you nor my government. But I really believe the government acts dishonestly and even treacherously, and I want it to stop. Cheers again
  6. Maybe it is rubbish Raykay, but unless you research it how will you know. It makes a lot of sense. Very open to criticism and would appreciate anything concrete that makes what I have said "rubbish" rather than an ad hominem. One liners is not the way for people to learn how to get justice and undertand "the law". Isn't this what this forum is about? I am new to this forum and maybe I'm mistaken?
  7. Many thanks RayKay for your speedy response, it is much appreciated and settles my mind a little. A solicitor told me that what the DVLA are doing is abuse of process - ie. engineered a process that extracts revenue from motorists in a dishonest way. I went to Citizens Advice, and they are amazed that the DVLA can do this and only suggested phoning up the DVLA to see if it is a mistake! Anyway, I have phoned up the local DVLA enforcement office (Swansea don't help with advice) and the man was quite nice and helpful. I phoned anonymously at first (because I'm sure this is proof I received the letter, and denying receipt of the letter can be a tactic in defence). He gave me general advice telling me that only if a fine is likely to exceed a few hundred pounds will the DVLA instigate court proceedings. He said it is a good idea to state in a letter with my defense / mitigation, that I will settle out of court. This usually guarantees a letter offering such a settlement. This agrees with Raykay. I had been off the road (honestly) for 11 months, with my offence occuring in the last month of it. I was just 4 days or so from having to renew the SORN or tax the car when I was clamped. Indeed, one reason I left the car where it was was to make it easier for a tow truck to get my car to a garage! I did eventually tell him my reg, and he told me the fine for a year without a tax disk is £497 all in. Had I just forgotten to SORN or tax it, the fine would have been a lot less. A declaration to agree to rules of the road (legislation) carries a greater punishment because it is the human being making that declaration, rather than the fiction of the registered keeper breaking the rules. I may be wrong here, because a SORN declaration is never signed. It's just a cross on a DVLA form. but hey, deception and dishonestly is the way the DVLA operate. For those who are not aware, the registered keeper and the human being are 2 different entities - one is a legal fiction created at the signing of your birth certificate by your parents (and then you sign a registration document for the car on the fiction's behalf - unknowingly entering into contract), the other is who you think you are, the natural person or human being who is only obliged to honour common law (not Statute law). The legal fiction that is fined (you represent it unwittingly) is always written in CAPITAL LETTERS and has a title such as Mr. (The fiction carries the title deeds?). You then pay fines thinking you are the fiction! What is effectively fined is your birth certificate - or corporate body - and it can't pay because it is a non-living fiction in the same way that companies and corporations are. Statute laws are given force of law by virtue of the deceitful way your parents are threatened into signing your birth certificate - or entering into a contract with the state that you agree to abide by statutes (or rules) of the land. Statute law is Contract Law, only we the humans are rarely given consideration of these contracts and are therefore not lawful unless you aquiesce and accept the fine! Even though I know all this and believe it to be true, I still don't know how to fight it yet without ending up in prison or threatened every day by bailiffs. Fear is how they get us to conform, getting us to think the law is just and honourable and includes Statutes, and then they fleece us to death all at the same time. This is how the DVLA are playing this 2 pronged attack when you are clamped. They prosecute the fiction first - the registered keeper, then they go after the human, getting him by deceit to sign a statement to the effect that he his guilty! This is the motive for my thread - does anyone know how to defend the human being from this dishonest practice, including the signing of a confession of guilt? Very many people are now working to "understand" and then overcome this system, but as yet with little effect - Google Freeman on the Land or Sovereign Man or British Constitution Group, for more information. In time, this may allow justice within the statutory system and stop it being dictated by bankers (private bankers such as the Bank of England directors, who loan governments money at interest on the back of legislation the government promises will eventually raise revenue via fines and taxation - and when we all behave like goody twoshoes who think the law must be obeyed, they will have to clamp down further on your freedoms and introduce more punishable offences that eventually need to become ridiculous so that bankers always get their cut). To Sailor Sam, yes it was totally unlucky I was caught. The DVLA often do spot checks of SORN'd cars to see if they are on public land. For 2 weeks' worth of mistake thinking I was ok (i.e. legitimate), I will get a fine of £497 + the £100 already paid to get the clamp released. This to me is unjust and without any discretion. The Statute has no discretionary powers, so if I want justice I have to pay again to get a court hearing under common law with a jury - which does have discretionary powers, but you may lose your case cos you can't afford lawyers who understand or care to expose this system of deceit. Unless your rich and knowledgeable about the law, your usually stuffed. This is the way our government has enslaved us for centuries and it's getting worse. Anyway, I found it so hard to find anything on my predicament on the internet, at least I hope this helps others in the same situation. I will keep this thread up to date as my case progresses.
  8. This is my first time here and looks like a great place for good advice! PLEASE help me quickly as I have only a couple of days to get my next step right. I SORN'd my car exactly a year ago and lept it on my drive for almost all that time. It was broken down with electrical and mechanical faults galore! In mid April I had workmen at the house and they needed the car moving. They were told they would have to push the car out of the way, advised it would be ok to put it on a kerbside on my cul-de-sac a few metres from my house. This they did. Then the DVLA turned up on the 26th April and clamps it. I protest the road is private, but after phoning the DVLA/VEAS enquiries desk they say no its a public road. I check with Highways and they confirm it is public highway. I am devastated this has occurred. I am forced to pay £260 to remove the clamp. £160 is returnable if I produce a valid tax disk to the DVLA pound within 14 days. I repair the car and get it MOTd and duly get the refund. I need to show the DVLA my logbook also. Great, I'm stung £100 and learn my lesson. However, the DVLA now send me a letter saying they require information by law (VERA 1994). They want the name of the registered keeper, address and a signature. They say the offence is ALLEGED. Surely, I had been found guilty without trial and fined already. Now they say the offence is alleged! Question 1: What is the next thing that will happen if I fill in the form? Question 2: Is a broken down and mechanically unsound car classed as a vehicle - can this be my defense? Question 3: I did not know exactly who pushed the car to the road - is this a good defense to escape the fine? Question 4: The legislation only demands I give the info required (keepers name and address). Should I sign the letter? Can they demand a time limit too for this info - I can't see that obligastion in the legislation? Question 5: All this stinks of Abuse of Process. A solicitor has told me confidently that if they cannot now take me to court or attempt to extract more fines - I want to believe him, but doubt he is right - any info about this please would be great. Question 6: Anyone with sound advice on how to either get out of further action or at least reducing the fines to a minimum? I'm obviously ashamed of my mistake and have learnt my lesson. But this process of the DVLA appears highly suspect if not fraudulent. Any thoughts? PLEASE PLEASE HELP - I am feeling really unwell with the stress and feeling of injustice in the punishments for such a little mistake. Thanks in advance, God Bless.
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