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  1. It's reassuring to know they're open to anyone. Presumably, that means anyone except me then? I was turned down 3 months ago with no reason given. I have appalling credit, but I'm not bankrupt or in a CVA, so I can only assume I must have done something in a former life?
  2. That is unbelievable. Surely that's just loan sharking? Terrible behaviour.
  3. Interesting stuff. For the record, i have 8 PDL debts of varying sizes. i have offered the same amount per month to all, irrespective of the size of the debt. Two of them have accepted immediately, although late payment/default charges have been applied before the debt is frozen. One of them has come back with a counter offer, to which i have referred them to my original mail. One of them (the slightly better known PDLC!) has invited me to contact them by phone to chat with their 'nice friendly team' and the rest of them are obviously too busy sending automated e-mails advising of ludicrous charges to respond! N.B One of these companies has bombarded me by both my mobile and my work phone. I am formulating a complaint.
  4. Ultimately, I need to spend more and more time reading theseforums. I’m genuinely not scared bythese people anymore and I just want to get it sorted properly. The worst culprit has called me 23 times in aweek, so I have now sent them an e-mail advising that I will be taking furtheraction if they continue. A big part of me feels that I’ve made this problem formyself and it’s my duty to repay everything. However, I’m not going to be exploited and I will read up and read up tomake sure I am handling things correctly.
  5. Yep, I will do. I have already e-mailed one of them, as they keep phoning me at work and leaving messages. The more they harrass, the less motivated I become to get on top of them. It makes me want to prioritise the ones who are 'behaving', if that makes sense? I did have a revelation over the weekend though. As tough as it might be to sort out this situation, what is REALLY the worst thing that can happen? They can't have what I don't have and my credit file is so bad anyway, that I'm resigned to not ever being able to get credit again. I'm healthy, not gambling, and generally have a life I really love. Why should I let these vultures spoil it?
  6. So, an update, as i don't feel I've made any progress. I've e-mailed them all, offering to repay a fixed amount each month and asking for details of an account where I can pay the money into and insisting that corespondence happens by mail only. Still the calls keep coming.... One has replied saying i should call them to discuss further. One has refused outright, saying that they will take recovery processes, one has simply said please pay in full and the others haven't even acknowledged my mail. I'm still looking (and praying) for an alternative bank account and may end up with the Think/Post Office options later this month. The whole thing is making my head hurt. Perhaps I should contact CCCS? Thanks for ALL replies guys.
  7. Silly me. I've done it now, well to three of them anyway. No responses as yet. As for the bank account - it's empty, with no facilities, so they have no chance whatsoever of taking any money from me. I am speaking to CCCS later, but my concern is that they don't take loans from family or friends into account. Quite frankly, the loan I have from my closest friend takes absolute priority over everything else, so it might be that I have to make my own arrangements.
  8. And so the fun begins....... 8.05 was the first phone call. I ignored it and the subsequent calls. I shall now e-mail each of the PDLs and advise that I am in discussions about creating a DMP and will update shortly, unless anybody advises me that this isn't the best course of action?
  9. A bit scared of Think. Many stories of being unable to access money and never being able to get through to customer services......
  10. I did that this morning, but as pleasant and understandingas they were, she wasn’t prepared to discuss cancelling CPAs. Perhaps if I visited again and explained thatI might leave (to my shame, I actually earn decent money) it might make adifference. However, I’m not sure I’dever ‘trust’ that account again, if you know what I mean.
  11. Wow, the time and trouble people take on here is even more inspiringto sort my sh1t out. Much appreciated. I have looked at the pre paid card idea and this mayultimately be where I end up, but I’ve seen some horror stories online aboutthis. My number one priority is to get a plan sorted out asap, as I am notlooking forward to the barrage of calls and e-mails! A combination of a post office account and a pre-paid cardmight be the short to medium-term future for me.
  12. The Post Office account could be my best/only hope. Ultimately, I will probably have to close myLloyds account (it’s only a basic cash account with debit card), as any money thatgoes into it will get taken at some point by the PDLs. So, once I’ve set up (hopefully) a repaymentplan, I will only have cash to work with, as there are no facilities on the POaccount. This is the price you pay Iguess…..
  13. I hadn't considered the post office. It could be an option for me, although I believe that they don't give you a debit card, or direct debit facilities, which would make paying the PDL companies (and other bills) difficult I guess.
  14. Unfortunately, the Co-op turned me down, even for their most basic account. I really can't get another account. I don't have any fraud history, have never been bankrupt or had an IVA etc, I'm just obviously in such a credit state that no one will touch me. In fact, at my Loyds meeting this morning, I noticed my 'risk factor' was 99, which, when I asked, was confirmed to be the highest possible number!
  15. Thanks guys. The bank account issue really is a problem for me. I have a very short-term solution for this month, but even if I managed to get a repayment plan sorted, I wouldn't trust these people not to help themselves anyway. Any ideas?
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