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Everything posted by hajzel

  1. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    2 more question, if you dont mind........ 1. is there a possibility to discuss this problem with LLOYDS even the debt has APEX? I want to get rid of it at last 2. yesterday I agreed to pay around 3 000 to clear off my debt over the phone, but now I have changed my mind.... also, I dont have the money anyway. Can I and how can I cancel it? how much is it cogent?
  2. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    I borrowed cca £ 12 500, now it is £ 6 161,46.
  3. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    no PPI, I won it through the FO. I asked for the consumer crediticon Act 1974 from the bank and got it I think. I just would like to know if to accept or no. Or to wait and try later.
  4. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    It was a loan taken from LLOYDS TSB BANK and when I stopped pay it because I couldnt afford it the bank passed it to APEX. To this day my debt is £ 6 161,46.
  5. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    hello people I need a piece of advice. LLOYDS TS BANK sold my debt to APEX about 2years ago. To this day my debt is £ 6 161,46. Today I spoke to APEX about a question to clear off my debt. After some negotiation I agreed with £ 3 075, 50 to pay out everything, cca 50%. But now I am not sure if I did well and should pay it or wait and try again some months later. Should I stick with this sum or is there a possibility to pay even less? Thank you
  6. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    when I checked the delivery status /where the letter is at the moment/ it says delivered to the country and then absolutely nothing. does the address in Peterslee exist?
  7. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    hi. my letters to LLOYDS BANK cannot still get through. I am sending them to PO BOX 42 /I also tried PO BOX 43/, PETERLEE, COUNTY DURHAM, SR8 2YQ. all were recorded. I have sent another letters to COSTUMER SERVICES and COLLECTION CENTRE. I also changed my coresponded address. Where should I write to get any answer? I need to change my payment for the loan, I cannot afford it any longer and have stopped paying it 6 months ago. thanks
  8. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    Yes, I did send it by recorded delivery and I have a proof of it. I am sending another tommorow again and will have to ask ,,national debtline,, if I can apply for Debt relief Order. Can the bank ignore me like this? No, I dont pay anything. I had to stop and because they dont speak to me I dont know how much I can if anything or nothing. I am 35 years old if it helps. thanks again
  9. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    Hello everybody, In December I lost my job and so far I dont have any other. I have a loan cca £6 000, I used to pay £ 300 a month and I had to stop paying it. I have sent to the bank at least 3 letters about my situation, but they never answered them and my account is growing and growing becausse of an interest. What should I do now? To keep sending them letters... or is it possible to try a bankrupt or Debt relief Order... . Would that be for me? My only possesion is an old car worth cca £ 2000. Thanks for every advice.
  10. This work is to be done after my redundancy. If I will not take it, I finished to work for them for good.
  11. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    That is a good question.....but not for me. I am looking at the agreement to make sure, as I said the loan amount is £ 12 500, monthly payment £302,37, number of repayments 60, total amount payable £18 142,20, APR 16,9%. total charge for credit £ 5 642,20 and annual interest rate 15,76%. Every months I pay £302,27 but get back INTEREST CHARGED at the moment cca £ 85, but at the beginning f. ex. £150. Right now I see the mistake, it was taken out in Nov 2009. My mistake, still 2 years to go.
  12. hajzel

    tsb - apex

    Hello everybody I have a loan from LLOYDS bank taken out in Nov 2007 of £12 500 with APR 16,5% without a PPI for 60 monhts. . My every month's payment is £ 302, never missed one single payment. This week I am made redundant and still do not have another job so, I am going to sign up for JScontribution or JSA. I want to write to the bank and ask them for a settlement. I want to offer them 1. a 40% - max .60% payment and the rest to be written off /cca £ 2500 - 4000 from £ 6 200/ or 2. to get a reduced monthly payment - the minimum I would be able to afford from JSC/JSA or 3. to get at least 6 months payment free holidays until I get up on my feet again. What if they will not agree? I have to stop paying from the next month and do not know how soon I could start paying it again. What can they do against me after stopping paying? If I get just £ 284 a month from Job Centre they hardly see any money at all...... Thanks for your answers.
  13. hello I need a fast answer. I am being made redundant this week with full redundancy payment but the employee offered me to continue the work for 10 more days. But they are saying to tax the wage for these 10 days by some 'over tax' 33%........ Does anything like this exist? why do they want to tax me like this? what should I do? thanks a lot everybody
  14. Hello everybody got some questions if anybody could help.... I am being made redundant next month. My 6 weeks notice is starting next week. My question is: - if I meanwhile find a new job and want to start it in that 6 weeks notice time am I entitled to a full redundancy package from my employer? - how soon do I have to tell them? thanks everybody
  15. dont understand and yes £10 earnings disregard for your partner, then its taken in pound for pound. what does it mean exactly? and what is SMP? Statuory Maternity Pay? Do you mean my partner could take SMP? thanks
  16. dont understand and yes £10 earnings disregard for your partner, then its taken in pound for pound. what does it mean exacly? and what is SMP? thanks
  17. So, if understood it properly. Because he works I will not be able to claim anything for myself and he has to work to claim tax credit and child tax credit......
  18. Hello everybody i have read many articles but still a little bit confused. I am 17 weeks pregnant at the moment. I have stopped working a while ago, so will not be entitled to maternity allowance. Now i am on jsa, not claiming any other benefits. My question is to which benefits am i entitled as pregnant? Can i switch from jsa to income support /is/ 11 weeks before the baby is due? Is it important how much my partner earns? Because he works can i get is? For how long can be is paid? When i have to tell to job centre tell that i am with a child? Thank you for every answer.
  19. thanks. are you sure that is enough or is something missing?
  20. Ok, that might help. I surely will. Should I address the letter to the person who wrote the refusing claim and to the address what is on the letter?
  21. Well, that shouldnt be a problem but English is not my native language. Do you have any form or letter already done to help me out? Thank you
  22. One more question: do I have to send that complaining letter within 28days or call them to tell them that I am going to write them? Will I get more time after the call? thanks
  23. the numbers: KEY FINANCIAL INFORMATION cash loan 7 500,- loan for loan Protection Insurance 2 139,66,- total 9 639,66,- OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION total charge for credit: cash loan 2 482,80,- LPI loan /cash price 2 139,66/ 708,54,- total loan 3 191,34,- So, first I should write to the bank and if they refuses again turn to fos??? Cannot I complain to fos without writting to the bank or just to call them that I do not agree with them? thanks
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