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  1. I have been living with my partner in our flat for the past 6 months, this is about how long this situation has been going on. We has 4 male students that live above us that intentionaly make noise ie. slamming doors, stomping on the floor boards, dropping things on the floor, shouting, playing loud music, having parties. We involved their letting agency as they have a no noise policy, chris shorey lettings of plymouth. The students have been constantly warned about their behaviour not just by the agency but by my landlord too as he owns the flat but sublets to the agency but it really should be the agency that sort the problems out but for some reason they have been stalling on the situation therefore making the situation so that the students know they can now get away with anything as all they ever get is a verbal warning "a slap on the wrist if you will". Was going to get in contact with Environmental health but it's a little late in the day as they leave in 2 weeks or so i am told. I feel harassed by these students so in our defence i got the police involved but to be honest there isnt much they can do. The students also had their laundry room taken away from them last week as they were putting the washing machine on at unreasonable times of the night and early morning and were told "until they can be more sociable they wont be getting it back". I work full time in Horticulture and my boyfriend is a chef and the lack of sleep we are getting is affecting our jobs and i have health problems that get worse when i'm tired a stressed out. We feel alone in this and need advice, fed up with being intimidated and unsafe in our own home! Dolly78
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