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Everything posted by thevoice111

  1. thanks for the replies yes London they know i use public transport
  2. thanks for the reply the jobs are based in Scotland region of a major building company i am based in Glasgow one of the jobs is based outside Stirling the other is based outside Edinburgh the job is site labourer
  3. thanks for your reply at the second meeting i was advised that if i said no to the other jobs i would be resigning my job and lose my redundancy
  4. hello my employer has advised me that i am in consultation for potential redundancy as from the 1st June 2020 i have been to a second meeting on 15th June 2020 where he advised me that there was suitable employment available at another 2 sites both sites are at least a 2 hour journey both ways i do not drive so will have to use public transport this involves bus then train then bus again both sites are more than 60 miles travel for me both ways would this be considered as unreasonable would i still be entitled to my redundancy if i refused these offers
  5. hello citizenB can u explain to me the diffrenc between a trust deed and a dmp and which u think would be best ime in scotland ty
  6. sorry m8 by the complaint letter i meant i never sent one ty for your reply
  7. i am writing to you today in relation to your complaint about your ppi policy after considering the evidence and documentation/information available to me,i have not found sufficient evidence to agree with your allegation that your ppi policy was mis-sold.as such i am unable to uphold your complaint as part of my review, i have considered whether you were eligible for the policy and whether the policy was suitable for you. i have also taken into account each the concern you raised with us in your complaint and i can confirm that i did not identify any other issues when reviewing your file. having completed all of these steps, i went on to look at your complaint as a whole to ensure that we acted fairly towards you in relation to the sale of your ppi policy,giving appropriate weight and balanced consideration to all available evidence including any further information supplied by you. i am sorry that you felt the need to complain about your ppi policy and appreciate that my decision may be of dissapointment to you. however, i can assure you that i have fully investigated your complaint and all the surronding circumstances. YOUR COMPLAINT during your telephone call on 27 april 2012 you said : 1) you were told you had to have ppi in order to get the loan FINDINGS in order to address the concern you have raised, i have reviewed all the available sale related evidence. ihave established that you applied for your loan ppi policy on the telephone around 20 april 2004 to further assist my investigation i have also taken the following into consideration: YOUR COMPLAINT LETTER (none sent ) your consumer credit agreement our knowledge of our sales process and documentation at the time your sales documentation it should be noted that prior to 2005 the sale of ppi was not regulated by the financial services authority ( FSA ). however,we are members of the general insurance standards council (GISC) which expected its members to act fairly and reasonably when towards a customer. for clarity i have addressed your complaint under the following headings. OPTIONALITY i can confirm that it has never been a requirment to take out a ppi policy in order for a loan application to be accepted. in addition, taking out a ppi policy would not have improved the chances of your application being accepted i am also aware that the consumer credit agreement clearly demonstrated to you that your ppi was optional and i have concluded that the adviser did not mislead you in any way. i have therefore came to the conclusion that you were made aware of the optional nature of your ppi policy conclusion in light of my findings,i feel that our advicer acted fairly and reasonably throughout the sale. i believe that the information provided at the time of sale was a fair presentation of the features of the policy and explained the policy exclusions and the total cost of the insurance. i am also of the opinion that it was clear,fair and not misleading therefor allowing you to make a fully informed choice. my review has not highlighted any failings with the sale that would lead me to believe your decision to purchase the ppi policy would have changed. i trust that i have clearly explained the reasons for my decision, however, if youdo not agree with my decision please contact us on ------------ or write in providing further supporting evidence to support your claim. i will consider any additional information and advise you whether it changes my decision.if i do not hear from you within twenty eight days from the date of this letter i will close your complaint and consider it resolved. LETTER DATED O7 JUNE 2012 in the event that you remain unhappy with my decision ,you have the right to refer your complaint to the (FOS) any referal to FOS must be made within six months of the date of this letter i enclose a copy of fos leaflet about its services is this a standard reply letter can holes be picked in it what do i do next THE PERSON WHO TOOK OUT THIS LOAN WAS PAID IF THEY WERE OFF WORK is this a reason to be mis sold
  8. one more question this was a joint application so will both of us have to claim sorry 2 questions i have my mortgage with this lender will they try and hassle me does this happen its wth the scallyfax ty
  9. ty very much for all your help appreciatted ty
  10. cash loan 5900 add total charge for credit for cash loan 2192.80 total amount you pay for cash loan 8092.80 insurance loan (cash price for insurance) 1256.91 add total charge for credit for insurance loan 467.49 total amount you pay for insurance loan 1724.40 60 monthly payments of 163.62 starting on 27th nov 2000 annual percentage rate 14.0 % monthly interest rate 1.101 % total loan 7156.91 total charge for credit for total loan the total charge for credit 2660.29 total amount to pay 9817.20 hello guys findind this hard to work out can one of you do the sums please how much i can claim plus interest ty
  11. ty ims21 and bankfodder i have 2 personal loan agreements with the figures at hand is there a system i can use to calculate how much i can claim back my reason for claiming is i was told i would need to take this out to get the loan also on my ltsb one there is a pre ticked box i read somewhere on here that this was not right any advice be greatly appreciatted
  12. hello bankfodder does this mean that i cant reclaim for a loan taken out in 27 10 2000 ty
  13. hello can anyone tell me how far back i can claim ppi ty
  14. hello i am going to reclaim ppi from an old tsb account had a few loans plus i have a tsb creditcard account that has been sold onto a debt recovery agency any advice greatly appreciated i was thinking of putting in a sar to start with is this the way to go and will a sar get me all the info i need ty in advance
  15. need advice abou reclaiming ppi from old loans plus from a credit card that has been passed to a collection agency any advice greatly appreciatted
  16. ty maroon great site looking at it now i went into money matters orkney street on monday for the drop in surgery but had to leave to go back to work boss wasnt happy about me taking time off work but thanks for the site theres a wages arrestment calculator i was looking for one of those cause i think that will be the debt collectors first call
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