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  1. Hi all Thank you so much for taking the time to respond - just having someone answer has been great. My brother has agreed to become a director of my ltd company which actually has no debt at all - this will allow me to carry on a vehicle for earning money is this correct? Personally I have a posession order from Feb that i was not able to attend and they have put the property up for sale. I owe £7000 approx in mortgage arrears and the property is 10-15k in negative equity which i believe they will want from me as part of the process? I then have credit cards i used to try and dig myself out the whole plus a little council tax, ground rent etc which comes to about 16k. I have 1k in the bank and thats it - no work coming in and no other assets as sold cars and things previously. So i assume that i will get the final amount owed from the CCJ - declare bankrupt writing off all debt and work through the ltd maybe if i cant get a full time job. Although I have been told i can never get a mortgage or RENT anywhere with a CCJ on my record? Does this sound like the right solution?? Appreciate anyone gone through it and the rest of you guys for advice.
  2. Hello I have over the past 3 years run up credit card debt which i had an agreement to pay back about 12,000 in total. I was made redundant twice in this time and unemployed for some time. Beginning of 2011 i set up as a ltd company and got work coming in myself for a few months but not enough to pay the mortgage in full and i fell behind. The work dried up, but I also broke up a long term relationship and had to care for my dad who died of cancer in October, I knew i was really depressed and had to do something drastic for my own sanity, so buried my head in the sand and with the small amount of money i had saved went to look for work in Australia, stay with friends and get mentally healthy. I have returned to a CCJ from the Nationwide for the mortage (I dont mind losing the property its in negative equity and lots of bad memories) I would like to know what to do in what order so that i dont have to pay back the arrears as i cant afford it, * do i declare bankrupt before attending the ccj? *Do i try to offer some payment as part of ccj and put off going bankrupt to keep my business running? *Should i take any money i do have left over out the bank to pay friends before hand? * Do i be honest about what i did as it sounds as if i ran away from the responsibility (which i did really) * can i still be self employed after this as the ironic thing is in the next 3 months i have been promised quite a lucrative contract. So confused and this is a life changing thing i want to get right. I am mentally and physically healthy now and that to me is THE most important thing but i want to do this right. I ultimatley want to sort the debt and be in a position to run my business pay off a little of what i owe and start life again. Thank you in advance.
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