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  1. About free domains If you google "free domain names" you'll find some including .ly and .co.cc Domains like weebly.com, webs.com, moonfruit.com, blogger.com, and wordpress.com are of course free but hard to take with you if you change your free provider, or it closes or starts charging. The shorter domains may have a charge for .co.cc so you may need to fiddle about a bit before finding a good one. With a bit of skill and patience these can be added to one of the free and easy web building services like Moonfruit, which is good for a quick good-looking start on a leaflet-like site, or Wordpress which is designed for blogs but can be tweaked into a bigger and more expandable site apparently. In Moonfruit, the method to connect to a domain that doesn't end "moonfruit.com" is hidden-away on a user dashboard, but it can be done. Free hosts that allow a range of free open source software packages with a one-click install exist in the USA. You still have to spend time learning how to use the software though - there isn't a click for that! About paid-for domains Org.uk and co.uk are cheaper than .com UKcheapest tend to live up to their name - good luck with 123.reg!
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