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  1. Thank you both – the terms are a month’s notice either side – my concern is that if I advise current school now, the possibility and practical thing for them to do is ask me to leave at end of academic year – July – this will leave gap until my September start at new job.
  2. I work for a school (non teaching) – permanent contract, 46 weeks including paid holidays, salary divided by 12 months. I have accepted a post with another local authority to start in September. School closes for summer, staff taking holidays at school closure times. A months’ notice is required – if I give notice in now or last day of term, late July, this will only take my leaving date to sometime in August, breaking my local government length of service. Does anyone know how this is best approached / been in same position? i.e. do I resign in August from home so there is no service break up to new job start date or are there ‘rules’ within the local government terms?
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