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  1. and my brother is the excutor has written to them for proof but so far they have not replied, when called they are 'looking into it'!
  2. No there was no will and as far as we know they are for unesecured bank loans etc
  3. My dad died 10 months ago and approx 4 months after his death capquest sent a letter to say he owed £30k approx in debts from a loan to Natwest and others, my brother is dealing wiht them and we now have his estate sorted etc which amounts to about that amount. However, we have asked Capquest for proof of the debt and have also called Natwest who have no record of the debt. What are the rules with this type of thing, my brioher told them today they have to respond in 7 days and threatened legal action. If anyone cld help with this would be appreciated.
  4. Will DWP come to my work or now they have had forms back from my employer will that be it?
  5. Thank you. Have jsut been told that I have to have a meeting with my bosses to discuss the DWP calling my work and asking for information., the situation gets worse and worse.
  6. Thank you for your reply. So potentially I could be prosecuted as well as husband I understand this, I have now taken over the bills rent etc on the property but am very concerned with the calls and information they are asking worried aobut my job now also. As soon as this all came out a solictor advised us to say I was there from that date.. I am thinking that by not attending they cannot prove how much i know just go on the information they already have?
  7. my husband claimed housing benefit and income support, i have only moved in in the last 9 months as it was not practical for us to live together before hand, he has had an IUC and now they have been calling my employer asking questions and for photos and asked for me to go to an IUC also, Do i have to go / can i be prosecuted even though i havent claimed anything? we did not declare we were married but since his IUC we have started paying the rent etc and although i know we shold have done this before terrified now!
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