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  1. I agree as well, but would payup if default was removed. Just need to make sure I'm going the right way about it with the larger debt !
  2. Thank you, letter sent. I hve another thread on here with details of other Lowell account that I'm kindly being helped with. Basically a current account / managed loan rolled into one. Currently trying to reclaim bank charges to reduce value but hsbc came back with final response saying no yesterday. Lowell have already offered 50% off but really want default removed! Will wait for FOs on bank charges, then CCA lowell, and If they have a case then probably try f&f
  3. Hi, Until 2 months ago I was being chased by Lowell for a small CC debt under £400. I CCA'd them but they didn't have a copy. I placed the file into dispute and had a letter from Lowell saying that they had closed the account. On the back of the letter it says that they will remove the default but this will take up to 6 weeks. 8 weeks have now passed and the default is still on my file. I want to write to Lowell to ask them to remove it as promised. Is there a template for this, ie should I go in softly and ask nicely or do I need to ask them to stop processing my data? Only spanner in the works here is that I have another account with Lowell which is currently ongoing. Any help would be great Thanks
  4. Hi Yes there is a copy of the agreement but it is under the account number of the managed loan. Lowells are chasing £3.3k managed loan and £200 current account, but looks like these hAve been bundled together under one account number, the current account one. Is claiming back bank charges sufficient to officially out the account into dispute with Lowell? If it fails I can then cca them
  5. Hi CitizenB The interest has stopped I believe as Lowell are asking for a fixed amount and state that interest will not be added. The SAR data that I have received is pretty confusing, not least as it is about 4,000 pages long! I have managed to pick out a few items which I would consider to be important including the original default notice (which relates to the managed loan specifically and not a current account), the CCA for the managed loan and 3 affordability sheets filled in over a six month period. The first two affordability shows a monthly defecit of £200 and £30 respectively. Manual notes on there state refer to Payplan and refer to CCCS. The third affordability is for the actual managed loan and shows £260 disposable income, of which they took £180 for the managed loan. I distinctly remember at the time being in that much cr*p that I was almost forced to lie to show that I could afford a managed loan just to see light at the end of the tunnel. Never mind!! The final pieces relate to charges. The very detailed statements provided by HSBC show about £2,000 worth of charges have been applied. In reality the figure in my head, and as summarised by another document, I think this figure is more like £1,000 by the time refunds from previous complaints have been taken into account. Thankfully I also now have a copy of letters from HSBC admitting I am in financial difficulty and offering to cover £200 of outstanding electric/water bills. My next steps are to write to HSBC asking for the charges to be refunded (will be asking for £2,000! and sending them their own SAR back which details these charges). Questions from myself if anybody could help would be What do you think the likelyhood of getting these back are? If sucessful, would a payment be made to me or would they instruct Lowell to reduce the balance by any payout? Does anybody have any tips on an account in dispute letter to Lowell (after I have sent HSBC the claim letter) Going back to Lowell and the current account/managed loan situation, is it worth just sitting and waiting until the bank charges are resolved or do you think I should CCA lowell and see what they come back with? I am willing to settle this debt but HSBC practically ruined my life for 2 years, both financially and emotionally through constant charges and at least 30 daily phone calls. The least I expect from them is to waive any charges and reduce the debt to a manageable level so that I can start to resolve. Many thanks in advance
  6. Thamks for coming back to me Citizen B. Since agreeing to the managed loan I have read quite a bit and can see how they can make quite a bit of money from it.. Just am update, some of the documents from Metropolitan from the SAR show that the debt was sold to Lowell but it also shows that the balance is made up of c.£200 bank account and c£3.4k managed loan. All correspondence is now coming to me with the account number for the bank account. I guess my question is whether the debt does/should fall under the realms of a cca?
  7. Hi, Seeking a but if guidance after previously posting. Back in 2007 took a loan with HSBC who I also had a graduate account with. Got into a bit of difficulty due to living arrangements, charges kept rolling and and then buried my head. I agreed to a managed loan. The current account and loan were rolled into one but the loan was effectively forced upon me at a massive rate which not surprisingly also fell behind on. Buried my head until I heard from Lowell. I know that there are a lot of charges on the account (£900+ on a balance of £3.5k). On the advice of you guys I SAR'd HSbC and have just received a massive box Apart from the charges, it looks like I the managed loan was effectively paid off by my current account, which obviously makes it a whole lot more convenient for them due to no CCA etc. first question is do people have experience of this? Is it allowed and how does this affect me? The SAR has turned up some interesting things including forms filled in when producing an income expenditure assessment which shows I couldn't afford managed loan and a note on the bottom saying refer to a debt charity. My next steps are for me to write to HSBC to try and reclaim bank charges and simultaneously writing to Lowell plaing the account into dispute. I am quite worried about receiving a SD due to the size but wondered if anybody had any tips on whether this is the best course of action and any advice in the fact that the debt was conveniently passed to my current account from a loan! Many thanks
  8. Hi I have just sent off an SAR to HSBC and will update you. Do you suggest I ignore Lowell until i receive this back and can put the account into dispute direct with HSBC? Thanks
  9. Thanks for this. What would you think about making a F&F offer of £750-£1000 whilst explaining the account is in dispute, is complicated and involves a lot of charges. This is the most I could offer but may be a quick way to fully resolve the issue. It seems on the low end but is still a significant amount of cash, whilst then setting up payment plans for the balance over the next year. Could I do this concurrently whilst questioning any charges and would this be an admission of the debt and restart any SD (which is now 3 years old)? Would there be any merit in this?
  10. Hi Thanks for coming back to me. Regarding the HSBC account, I did have a claim in place but I presume it was kicked out with the Supreme Court ruling a couple of years back. Out of the total £3.5k debt, I believe that about £1.2k was made up of missed payment charges etc. Do you think I would be able to challenge this now? I don't think I would be classed as being in financial difficulty really now. CC Debt seems reasonable. I will send them a CCA letter and see what happens. I don't want to pay £400, but a £200 F&F settlement also seems reasonable to avoid the hassle for the next few years The Payday one only came through with that balance last week. Being honest I thought I owed more than this, do you think they would split each payday loan into induvidual ones? Either way I will sort and pay. If I were to enter into dialouge with Lowell re the HSBC account, what letter would be appropriate to see if the debit is enforcable taking into account it was the combination of an overdraft and a loan? MAny thanks in advance
  11. Hi, I'd like some help if possible on how to tackle 3 seperate accounts, all currently handled by Lowell. I have a bit of cash available to sort these out, but nowhere near cover the balance. Ideal scenario is to completely put them all to bed and rid myself of debt ASAP! The first and main one is a HSBC debt c £3.5k. This was a student overdraft and seperate £1.5k loan. Loan taken out about 4 years ago, but fell behind. Both consolidated into one payment before being passed on to in house HSBC collectors. Defaulted around this time 3 years ago. First correspondence from Lowell came over the weekend. How do you sugest I proceed? I believe that there are specific rules around CCA requests and current accounts, overdraft and loans. Mine appears to be all 3! The second is a CC debt of £400. Defaulted in Dec 2010. Lowell have been chasing for a few months, rejected F&F request but would like to sort this one properly as it is not massive and is affecting credit file! Any suggestions? CCA? Prove it letter? The final one is a £125 debt from Dollar/MoneyShop from a small Payday loan. Again not massive and could settle but cannot see this as a default on my file, despite the debt being outstanding since 2008. Would you recomend a CCA or F&F settlement? I don't want to pay this but at the same time don't want to have another new default registered! Overall, I'd like to make Lowell prove the funds that I owe. If they can do, then I do have funds to make payments back on all 3 accounts, probably about £100 per month. I also have £800 to offer towards a F&F settlement, but suspect that this may be a little too low for the main one? Any help on the communication/letters etc that I should be using would be greatly appriciated, along with any general tips! Do you think Lowell will consider all 3 accounts together as one? Many thanks in advance :???:
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