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  1. So JJB Sports are saying I have no agreement with them as all previous agreements are null and void (old company) and I have never received/signed any new agreement from DW Sports (new company). does this mean I have no agreement with anyone and therefore they can not hold me to anything?
  2. Yes the DD was payable every month on the 1st of the month. Another point - I phoned JJB Sports PLC today and they said they are nothing to do with DW Sports and although I did have an agreement with them, I now no longer have any agreement and all previous agreements are invalid. However DW sports are saying that the old agreement with JJB Sprts is valid with them and they are enforcing it. IS THIS LEGAL?
  3. Hi I sent my written notice by post on 1st feb 2012 and I cancelled my DD on 1st feb 2012 also. I didn't start email corrosponce untill I got a letter saying my DD hadn't been paid, I got this letter on 12th April 2012 and this is the day I first emailed them. Does this help?
  4. I have got a copy of my cancellation letter but I do not have proof of delivery, as I sent it standard mail. All my corrospondance has been mainly by email. So I have proof of all corrospondance. I did tell them by email that I cancelled by post to the address written on my terms and conditions however they tell me this address is wrong. But at no point have they provided me with an alternative address to send a cancellation notice to. They expect me to be a mind reader and magically find the correct address to send a cancellation notice to.
  5. I do not have evidence of my writted notice but they told me even if I did it wouldn't matter as this is not the correct address to send cancellations to. And I do not know the new terms of cancellation as they have never told me. Which is why I am so angry, as effectively they have made it impossible to cancel by NOT providing me cancellation rights.
  6. I cancelled the DD at beginning of Feb the day after they took Feb's payment. This is the same day I sent notice in writing. I assume they can not post any adverse things on my credit rating as I did not sign a credit agreement, it was meerly an application form.!
  7. No there is nothing in the terms and conditions about passing my details to a third party. Are they really breaking the law if they pass my details across?
  8. I joined JJB Sports PLC gym in the year 2006. I filled out an 'Application Form' with my details, this form also had terms and conditions on. In 2009 DW Sports took over the JJB Sports gyms. In February 2012 I decided to cancel my membership. I looked at my original JJB Sports terms and conditions and it states I must give 30 days notice in writing to their head office address, which I did. I then used the gym untill the end of Feb 2012 and cancelled my Direct Debit. Then I received a letter from DW Sports, saying I owe for March 2012 as they have not received a cancellation notice from me. I let them know that I cancelled in line with the terms and conditions I had agreed to. They then told me that as DW Sports had bought JJB Sports and the cancellation address on the original 'terms and conditions' was 'Wrong'. I then asked for a copy of any new terms and conditions that I have agreed to regarding any 'altered' cancellation policy. All they sent my was the original application form with JJB Sports with the 'Wrong' cancellation address on. I explained to them, how did they expect me to cancel if they have not supplied me with the a correct cancellation procedure. At this point the local gym manager refused to corrospond futher and passed the 'debt' to ARC Europe collections who are now chasing me. I esculated the matter to DW Sports head office and tthe regional manager contacted me but now she also refused to discuss the matter any futher with me. My questions are: 1. Do I even have an 'agreement' with DW Sports that is enforceable. (They say because they bought the JJB clubs that I do now have an agreement with DW Sports)? 2. The original document was an 'application form' does this constitute a contract? 3. Can they just send the 'debt' to ARC Collections without any written agreement between me and them.? Please Advise.!
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