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Posts posted by maddison

  1. Hello everyone, we are new to this site and we have been reading through the threads posted and have to say it has been very heartwarming to hear of the successess people have achieved. Albeit many are like us just learning how to go about this process.


    My husband tried so very hard to stay self-employed for over 6 yrs but the bank made it totally impossible for a 'small fish in a big pond' as they put it to make any kind of living after expenses.


    They would not allow us an overdraft at all and there was no le-way with them on DDM's or suchlike. If monies was not in the account they would always take their money and leave us with practically nothing. Charges always susperseded any monies left in the bank. We, like many, struggled to keep our heads above water for many years. I could decorate 2 rooms with the amount of paperwork they kept sending telling us we were overdrawn. They last straw came when my husband had a row with them on the phone and they requested in writing the return of the cheque books and accompanying cards!!!!


    They couldn't get it round their head that when you are are self-employed money doesnt arrive in the bank as a employed persons wages does!!!!!


    We are going to read as many FAQ's etc as we can and reading through this may help the process to go through without too many 'hiccups' before we start.


    It does make us wonder how on earth we got through it at the time as he has now been employed for just over a year and what a relief it has been, never never again.


    We are looking forward to this and we are not afraid to go to court if thats what it takes to retrieve the amount of money they have taken from us over the years. Maybe thats why we have never been able to afford a holiday but I bet they have theirs in some exotic place with all their bonuses handed out yearly.


    Anyway sorry for going on but will stay on this site and keep you all informed of the progress.


    With thanks.

  2. Many many thanks for your time to read and reply and for setting the process out so easily for me.


    I will definately take your advice and read and learn as much as I can over the next few days before charging in like a 'bull at a gate' so to speak.


    I want it to be a smooth process without too many hiccups.


    So once again thanku and will keep you informed.


    Kind regards.

  3. Hi Sunnyjools, thanks for your response much appreciated. No the self-employement started approximately 6 yrs ago (obviously will get exact dates) which to me seems a good place to start.


    Can you tell me if you have to go through 6yrs worth of bank statements or does the first letter do it all for you in requesting suchlike?


    All the posts I have read are very heartwarming and so pleased that people are achieving what we all thought to be the impossible.


    Thanks for now.

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