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  1. My car was stolen last week without the keys, I informed my car insurance company and the police straight away. The following day I received paperwork through the post from an external company my insurance is using to investigate the incident and process my claim. I had to send back the completed forms along with supporting documents, receipts, ect.. I have a slight problem! Some years ago my then boyfriend bought me the car as a surprise birthday gift, so obviously I was not aware when him and a friend of his were setting up the car insurance. Well after I was given the car and all the insurance documents, to my surprise I realized my date of birth was not right and the year of birth was 8 years earlier than my real year of birth. I questioned my boyfriend about it then and he brushed it off. Some few months after I had to give my insurance company a call about a general matter, as one of the security questions they asked my date of birth, and I gave them the wrong year, they told me so and I said the person who set up the insurance for me must of done a mistake. So they asked for my date of birth so they can change it, I was in such a panic and I gave them a year earlier then the birth year my boyfriend initially put on... (my biggest regret!) Since then I have given that date of birth as a security answer whenever I am on the phone to the car insurance company. Now.... On the forms I had to send off in regard to my claim, it asks for my date of birth. I gave my REAL date of birth, because they said they would need to contact the DVLA and police for some details. I am wondering if the insurance company find out that I have not been truthful with my date of birth, would they reject my claim? I also want to know whether (if my claim is accepted) I am entitled to a car replacement? Because I called the insurance company and asked what will happen if my car is not recovered, and I was told that they will value the car and the contents and pay me the money. IS MONEY MY ONLY OPTION?? I don't want the money, because I know they will devalue my car... (ONLY serious help and advice needed please)
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