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Everything posted by jaffro

  1. yes you can send a sar to the letting agent as i have done and am awaiting a reply....well worth £10 if they comply
  2. ccmcc salford have a good record for loosing paperwork even when sent recorded... we have had this same problem recently and also stockport cc aswell.... just to add
  3. the link that citizenB has put up is very interesting as it has some bearing on my own stuation
  4. ok this afternoon we recieved a letter saying the writ of fi fa had been stayed pending a hearing in july........... is that good or bad??? i dont understand the wording lol:???:
  5. sherforce been at it again..........just recieved yet another notice55 hand deliverd but they didnt even have the guts to knock this time.......this is just a joke as they no the said person doesnt or has never lived here...............and his excuses on the phone where unbelievable...........im fuming to say the least
  6. still no sar yet............17 days or so left for the rats to get there arses in gear..............mmmmmmmmmmmm i dont think its coming for sum reason lol:mad2:
  7. im still waiting for a sar report off these clowns 20days a counting now.........i hope they do go bang as caledfwlch says so we can all sit back and laugh as they have probably done to all us when they extortid countless thousends off the already poorer population..... and then we can all fight even harder to get our charges back through the claiments who employed the RATS in the first place........
  8. and the document that he "relied upon" in court and was documented that he handed it in as his defence he is now claiming to have never seen in and it is of dubious origin:jaw:
  9. if they did there jobs properly in the first place instead of trying there luck they probably wouldnt get as much flack..... imcompatance springs to mind
  10. just read ya reply.......im off to the hospital this morn to see the mhu then when i get back ill fill in the details for you jaffro
  11. unfortunatly as stated i was away at the time they visited but we no in future to have a recording device handy..the debt was never in dispute as such it just wasnt his debt long story.........what was/is in question is that on the 55 notice it was my address bt my father in laws name but he has never lived here at all........ and the costs thats occured... just waiting for the sar to come back
  12. hi all... ive this morning recieved a email back from sherforce stating all kinds of nonsense...... how can i attach it to here to see if any1 can understand it as there saying about going to the master ?? jaffro
  13. hi all ust a quick question... on the 4th april 2007 we signed a 6 month tenancy agreement therefor just missing the date for the deposit scheme....after being in the property for 2 years and much trouble with the landlord we moved out... we have had 3 court battles over various things since and in the last one he produced a ast tenancy extension that we had never seen.. the court gave us a copy and in the extension it states theat the deposit is held in a deposit protection scheme which again we new nothing about. have contacted and got in writing off all 3 schemes that it was never held in any am i now within my rights to submit a claim to the courts for my deposit back as he never did what he stated in the contract extension and in his own words in court thats the document he relied upon??? cheers jaffro:shock:
  14. hi ive sent the sar request via recorded delivery so we will wait and see if they can justify £957 worth of charges without even levying on anything and getting paid in full on the first a only visit!!!! and might i add serving a notice on my father in law made out in my address when he has never even lived here so surely it wouldnt even be legal??? cheers jaffro
  15. thanks guys i will make sure i have a recording device handy.......is there a sar form i can download or do i make 1 from scratch?? they aint getting away with what they have done if i can help it:-)
  16. pt yes we did everything what we thought was the right way we went to court and after appealing twice and losing the claiment was awarded judgement... the problem is the claiment has 3 judgements now against my father in law and the claiment has harrased us to say the least... the same agent came again last tuseday for my father in law but i refused to even take the envelope and i told him in no uncertain terms but in a calm manner never to come near my house again... as he knew my father in law does not and has never lived here after the last time... the first time he came and got paid he left a form55 and a warning notice...the 55 notice has my address on it so is it actually legal when he doesnt even live here??? i will request a breakdown of costs in the morning. its just not on that they can get away with it so many times... its hard enough to struggle these days without these robbers making it harder thanks jaffro
  17. hi all this is my first post so be gentle lol............... ok my father in law had a judgement against him through a landlord/agent faking a garauntor document long story,,, the judgement was for £1590 but as he never signed the document we dug our heels in this happend in 2010.... 3 weeks ago a hceo from sherforce knocked on my door whilst i was away and happen has it my father in law was looking after our house and answerd the door the hceo had a section 55 notice for my father in law but naming him at my address where he has never lived..... he was quite intimidated by them so he paid them in full... it was there first visit and yet the total he paid was £2643.73 thats over £1000 pounds for there costs........... is there anything we can do to fight these costs as i think its disgusting that they can get away with so high costs... thanks jaffro
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